Pipline that takes an alignment, a tree, and set of sequencing reads form a query taxon.
Assembles homologous locus, if possible, using closest match as reference, calls consensus, adds to alignment using PaPara, and places in the tree using EPA in RAxML.
Example run:
./map_to_align.sh -a example.aln -t tree.tre -p SRR610374
NOTE: This example requires downloading SRR610374_1.fastq and SRR610374_2.fastq from
-a alignment in DNA fasta format. Use 'preprocessing.py' if not available as fasta (required)
-t tree in newick format. Tip lables must match alignment labels, and polytomies must be resolved. Use 'preprocessing.py' to do so if necessary.
-p paired end query reads (stub of paired end read names. _1.fastq and _2.fastq will be appended to locate the required files)
-s query reads (stub of single end read names. File should be named stub.fastq)
###optional arguments
-o output directory. Optional default is phycorder_run
-n run_name. Optional, default is QUERY.
-r Boolean. Align and place reads. Default is 0, set to 1 if you want to align and place reads. Can be SLOWWWW if lots map.
-m Boolean. Map reads. Default is 1, set to 0 only if you have already mapped reads.
-b Boolean. Align reads to best reference in alignment, call and place consensus sequence. Default is 1, set to 0 if you only want to align and place reads.
-w Boolean. Try creating consensus from non optimal (worse) reference locus. Useful for investigating effects of refence choice.
##Output files:
(with -n QUERY)
ref_nogap.fas : The refence alignement will all gap characters removed, used as potential mapping reference loci
{}.bt : bowtie2 refences
full_alignment.sam : reads mapped to all loci in refence alignement (same full_sorted.bam, full_sorted.bam.bai)
mapping_info : listing of how many reads mapped to each locus. Used in determining best refence locus
matches : list of reads that mapped to any locus
matches.fq : fastq of all reads mapped to any locus
matches.fa : fasta of all reads mapped to any locus
matches_unique.fa : matches.fa with duplicate reads removed
{alignname}.phy : reference alignement in phylip format for PaPaRa
papara_{}.reads : PaPaRa read alignment output files
papara_alignment.reads : Alignment of reads in fasta
RAxML_{}.QUERY_reads_EPA : RAxML reads output files
runs on linux, probably not anywhere else
(Too many probably...)
Python packages:
Dendropy 4.0 (pip install dendropy)
Software in path:
bowtie2 http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/index.shtml
fastx http://hannonlab.cshl.edu/fastx_toolkit/download.html
PaPaRa http://sco.h-its.org/exelixis/web/software/papara/index.html
raxmlHPC http://sco.h-its.org/exelixis/web/software/raxml/index.html
seqtk https://github.com/lh3/seqtk
samtools / bcftools
NOTE: requires samtools and bcftools 1.0 - not currently avail via apt-get. Install from http://www.htslib.org/
Installs nicely but to /usr/local unlike apt-get - make sure paths are correct!