Hello everyone! We'll be using this repository as a staring point for you submissions during the environmental anomalies portion of Secure System's Engineering. Please take a moment to review the following steps and then complete each of the required actions.
Please fork this repository on GitHub and pull down a local copy. You will submit materials (survey responses, weekly logs, etc. by updating the contents of your local repository and pushing it to your fork.)
Reply with some text to issue #1 in this repository's issue tracker on GitHub so I have record of your GitHub user name.
They can be found here
Please do not include personal details in anything you push as it is visible to the entire world!
Bug Stage: Source of Bug Diagnosed
I was unable to work on this bug.
Bug Stage: Source of Bug Diagnosed
I couldn't work on the bug because Halloween was coming up and I needed to
take my dog costume shopping! He's gonna be a hot dog! Get it?