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Dem Pilafian edited this page Apr 22, 2015 · 1 revision

Snap Backup Contributor Steps

Notes migrated from old system, WIP...

B) Verify Java and Download Code

Run Terminal (it's in /Applications/Utilities) and enter the following commands at the Unix shell prompt: $ java -version $ mkdir ~/projects $ cd ~/projects

C) Get Xcode (optional)

If you plan to create the installer (see step 3B below), you need to install Xcode from the App Store.

  1. Core Contributor Steps

A) Build Current Project and Verify

Open Finder --> Go to the folder ~/projects/snapbackup/src/tools --> Double-click the file --> Go to the folder ~/projects/snapbackup/build --> Double-click the file snapbackup.jar --> Verify that the Snap Backup application launches and works properly B) Edit Code

The project files are under the ~/projects/snapbackup folder. Use your editor or IDE to make changes to the appropriate files. C) Build the Project and Verify

Repeat step A above. D) Check in Changes

$ cd ~/projects/snapbackup

In the above instructions, replace "" with a short description of the changes you made.

  1. Mac OS X Installer

To wrap the Mac application (~/projects/snapbackup/build/Snap into a native Mac OS X installer, follow these steps:

  1. Using Finder, navigate to the ~/projects/snapbackup/src/installer/mac folder
  2. Double-click snap-backup.pmdoc (the first time you may have to open from PackageMaker)
  3. Click the Build hammer icon
  4. Navigate to the ~/projects/snapbackup/build folder
  5. Deselect the "Hide extension" option
  6. Click the Save button

Quit PackageMaker and choose Don't Save your changes The new installer will be at: ~/projects/snapbackup/build/SnapBackupInstaller.mpkg

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