- Make sure Node is installed.
- clone/fork the project.
- npm install
- npm update
- Import the workspace file from training and upload it to IBM Watson Assitant.
- edit the .env.example and fill with the credentials from your IBM account.
- Time to run the server... node server.js
9/17/18 Node/mongoose setup and how to run the server
Make sure MongoDB is installed (found here: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/installation/ )
Open a terminal and navigate to /Server/4.0/bin
Use the following command to use the database in the github repo: mongod --dbpath \data -Should say that database is hosted on port 27017 (default port can be changed using --port option)
Optional: Mongo shell
- Open another terminal and navigate to /Server/4.0/bin
- Use command: mongo -opens shell type help for commands or find them online
Running the app:
- While the mongodb server is up, run the app however you go about doing it (node server.js, npm start, etc...) -Shouldn't throw any errors and will create a connection with your hosted database, anything that you save to the database will be able to be found in the mongo shell also
##Update: Now there are Employees, Tasks, and Projects Models, refer to those to access the necessary elements.
- Logic for all the models are in the controller folder, and I am gradually trying to move stuffs from DBUtils to that to work solely with Mongoose.
- Some known errors as of now: assignTask, AgileRating.