Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a passionate developer with a diverse skill set, always eager to learn and explore new technologies. Here's a bit more about me and what I do. (Check my portfolio)
- Blog Site: Building a website with users, authentication and post comment linking & deploying the site and database to cloud platforms.
- Micro_Twitter: The barebones of Twitter's system (post, comment, register, etc) built using Rails.
- Admin Dashboard: Playing with Grids and only grids.
- Etch a Sketch: A fun little experiment with empty classes and JavaScript.
- Love Coffee: Simple static website showing my appreciation for coffee.
- Python Chess: A Chess game that pits the user against other users and the computer.
- Monopoly Mobile Game: A Monopoly spinoff made for mobile.
- Python Snake: A Chess game that pits the user against other users and the computer.
Creating beautiful, realistic, and stunning 3D models for architecture, games, product modeling, and interior design.
I'm a lifelong learner, constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to expand my tech expertise. I enjoy diving into new technologies and improving my skills across various domains.
: Stefano Nebo
: @stefano_w_
: @snebo54
Join me on my journey as I blend creativity and technology to build the future, one project at a time!