This code library is an implementation of our proposed minimal solvers for computing semi-generalised homographies for calibrated and partially-calibrated cameras :
- Calibrated case :
- Partially calibrated case :
Additionally, we also have two absolute pose solvers designed for our homography setup :
- Calibrated case :
- Partially calibrated case :
We have also released the Macaulay2 scripts for computing the elimination ideals (Please refer to [1] for more details) :
- Calibrated case :
- Partially calibrated case :
- Based on the operating system, please refer to Macaulay2 for instructions on how to setup.
- Each of the two scripts compute the elimination ideals and write to
Input : Each of our solvers require a tuple,
(q, p, c)
, as the input whereq <-> (p, c)
denotes the 2D-2D point correspondences. -
denotes an array of size3x5
, of 5 vectors, each denoting the viewing ray for the corresponding 2d image observation by the query pinhole camera. -
denotes an array of size3x5
, of 5 vectors, each denoting the viewing ray for the corresponding 2d image observation in the coordinate system of the global generalized camera system. -
ray is accompanied with camera centerc
, or the position of the center of the pinhole camera within the generalized camera system. -
Output : The output is the generalized semi-generalized homographies,
and the corresponding plane vectors,Nss
. -
We have used the standard approaches for a homography decomposition to extract the relative pose and the scale.
An example of this, and a sample test script on synthetic scenes can be found in the synthetic_scenes/* folder, for both calibrated as well partially calibrated cameras.
The solvers for now are released in the MATLAB programming language while the C++ version will soon be released.
[1] Bhayani, S., Sattler, T., Baráth, D., Beliansky, P., Heikkila, J., & Kukelova, Z. (2021). Calibrated and Partially Calibrated Semi-Generalized Homographies. ArXiv, abs/2103.06535.