This Ember addon serves as a date (range) input picker component, utilizing the Daterangepicker library. It was specifically developed under the commission of the Agency of Home Affairs (ABB) for integration into the BurgernabijeBesluitenDatabank application.
To install this addon, run the following command in your Ember project:
ember install au-date-range-picker
To use the date input picker component in your Ember project, simply include it in your template:
@action applyDatePicker(picker, start, end) {
this.dateRange = start + ' - ' + end;
@action hideDatePicker(picker, start, end) {
return this.start;
@action cancel(picker, start, end) {}
You can pass in the following arguments to customize the behavior of the component:
- start : The initial start date for the date range.
- end : The initial end date for the date range.
- actionName : The name of the action to be called when the date range is changed. This action will be called with 3 args: picker, start and end
The following options can be passed to <AuDateRangePicker>
Name | Default value | Description |
@format | 'D MMM, YYYY' |
@serverFormat | 'YYYY-MM-DD' |
@direction | 'ltr' |
Locale setting for text direction |
@regional | 'be-nl' |
Selected region |
@separator | ' - ' |
What character(s) to put between range |
Name | Default value | Description |
@singleDatePicker | false |
Whether to only select a single date (instead of the default two) |
@minDate | undefined |
Lowest possible date. If undefined, no limit is set |
@maxDate | undefined |
Highest possible date. If undefined, no limit is set |
@datelimit | false |
Name | Default value | Description |
@firstDay | 0 |
What day of the week to start with. 0 = sunday, 1 = monday... |
@placeholder | 'Aangepast bereik' |
@daysOfWeek | moment.weekdaysMin() |
@monthNames | moment.monthsShort() |
@cancelLabel | 'Terug' |
Text on the cancel button |
@applyLabel | 'Verder' |
Text on the apply button |
@customRangeLabel | 'Aangepast bereik' |
@showCustomRangeLabel | false |
@fromLabel | 'Van' |
@toLabel | 'Tot' |
@showWeekNumbers | false |
@showDropdowns | false |
Name | Default value | Description |
@containerClass | 'form-group au-c-content ' |
Class for the container |
@inputClass | 'form-control' |
Class for the input |
@buttonClasses | ['au-c-button'] |
Classes for the buttons |
@applyClass | 'au-c-button--primary' |
Class for the apply button |
@cancelClass | 'au-c-button--secondary au-u-margin-right-tiny' |
Class for the cancel button |
@labelClass | 'au-u-h5' |
Class for all labels/buttons |
Name | Default value | Description |
@timePicker | false |
Whether to enable the timePicker |
@timePicker24Hour | false |
@timePickerSeconds | false |
@timePickerIncrement | undefined |
Name | Default value | Description |
@autoUpdateInput | true |
@autoApply | false |
@alwaysShowCalendars | true |
@context | undefined |
@removeDropdownOnDestroy | false |
@parentEl | 'body' |
Name | Default value | Description |
@isInvalidDate | noop |
@isCustomDate | noop |
@opens | null |
@drops | null |
@linkedCalendars | false |
defines the preset ranges on the left of the date picker.
The following format has to be passed:
You can optionally use moment.js for dynamic assignment
Yesterday: [
moment().subtract(1, 'days').startOf('day'),
moment().subtract(1, 'days').endOf('day'),
'Last week': [moment().subtract(7, 'days'), moment()],
To run the tests for this addon, run the following command:
ember test
Contributions to this addon are welcome. Please submit a pull request with your changes.
If you've added or modified any options in date-range-picker.js, you can run npm run docs
to automatically update the configuration table. npm run docs
is run automatically when using npm run build
as well.
This addon is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.