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Releases: snipsnipsnip/ldmicro-jp

ldmicro-jp r2

13 Feb 04:26
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Japanese translated version of 2.3.

Windows 10用のバグフィックス です。

ldmicro-jp r1

09 Oct 19:02
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Japanese translated version of 2.2.
In addition to localization file, some modification to build script was added to handle weirdness of Shift-JIS encoding.
ビルドに使われているPerlスクリプトでShift JISがうまく扱えなかったので少し改造しました。

original version 2.2

09 Oct 18:59
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Imported from (md5 2343a9f2f15bf07879ec78f30f17d6b1) with .gitignore and alike.

version 2.2 with minimal modification to build with nmake+MSVC 2010

09 Oct 18:57
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This is untranslated English version of ldmicro v2.2 with fixed Makefile.
Just unzip, cd into ldmicro and type nmake D=LDLANG_EN to build.