n.b. These instructions have been tested on Ubuntu. Other linux variants may work but results are not tested or guarenteed. This code requires many specific packages to handle media and GUI interaction.
n.b. This application requires an Intel CPU (newer i5 and i7) that has a hardware decoder for H264 video. It is recommended that the configuration be set to one stream for development and testing.
- Install the latest Ubuntu release
- Select the full installation, not the minimal installation
- Select installing encumbered software to get the video tools
- When prompted, remove the installation media and reboot
- Let updates install, you may be prompted to reboot again
- Update the OS
sudo apt upgrade
- Install the required packages
sudo apt install vlc git python3-gi python3-gst-1.0 gstreamer1.0-gtk3 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-tools gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
- Install proprietary video drivers
- From the launcer open 'Software & updates'
- On the 'Additional Drivers' tab select 'Using NVIDIA driver...'
- Select Apply Changes
- Select Close
- From the launcer open 'Software & updates'
sudo apt install vainfo
Verify that the nvidia driver is selected (not nouveau) and that VDPAU is being used
sudo vainfo
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/nvidia_drv_video.so
Driver version: Splitted-Desktop Systems VDPAU backend for VA-API - 0.7.4
sudo apt install openssh-server
sudo ufw allow ssh
Rules updated
Rules updated (v6)
cd ~
mkdir code
cd code
git clone https://github.com/socallinuxexpo/scaleav-monitor.git
cd scaleav-monitor
vi config/rooms
0 http://localhost:8080/mixed
- Download an mp4 sample file, we use Mike's ~/20150111_150020.mp4
- Stream the test video from the command line
cvlc 20150111_150020.mp4 --loop --sout='#http{mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=:8080/mixed}'
- Or stream using the VLC GUI
- Media -> Stream...
- File tab
- [ Add ]
- Browse to the test video downloaded in the step above
- [ Open ]
- [ Add ]
- [ Stream ]
- [ Next ]
- [ Next ]
- [ Next ]
- [ Stream ]
vi config/rooms
0 http://room-101.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
1 http://room-103.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
2 http://room-107.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
3 http://room-104.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
4 http://room-106.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
5 http://room-211.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
6 http://room-212.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
7 http://ballroom-a.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
8 http://ballroom-b.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
9 http://ballroom-c.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
10 http://ballroom-de.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
11 http://ballroom-f.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
12 http://ballroom-g.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
13 http://ballroom-h.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
14 http://extra1.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
15 http://extra-2.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
16 http://extra-3.scaleav.us:8080/mixed
To contribute to this project, please create a branch in your git repository, make the change, test it using the following basic test procedure (see Testing), and then push the branch to GitHub. Then create a pull request describing the work, any notes/caveates, testing performed, and submit it. We will review it together and pull it into the master branch when the work is completed.
In the scaleav-monitor repository checkout:
git checkout -b "<username>/<brief-description-of-work>
<do work>
git push -u origin <branch name>
git checkout -b "mstarch/fixing-push-button"
<do work and test>
git push -u origin mstarch/fixing-push-button
contains a list of stream urls (one per line). To add or remove rooms, edit this file. Lines follow the following format:
<index> <room-video-url>
0 http://example.com:8080/mixed
This repository holds the python, GStreamer, and GTK+ reworking of the ScaleAV video stream monitoring software. This solution has several advantages above the original solution:
- Unified Window and Event code: The same solution handels the tracking of window events, and the window display removing the need for external event tracking.
- GStreamer: GStreamer allows greater control over the incoming streams, and provides a lightweight alternative to VLC windows. This will yield better performance in the post XVideo-driver systems. GStreamer usage replaces several technologies including Jack Audio, and VLC with a single technology choice.
- Python: A unified solution in python replaces a multi-language, multi-technology stack, which reduces the learning curve and minimizes the codebase. This allows for easier maintainability in a volunteer-staffed environment.
These instructions assume a Debian/Ubuntu system with Python 3 installed. Note: Only tested on Ubuntu