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Library depencies

socib edited this page May 3, 2012 · 1 revision

Library depencies to compile NC2KML from source code and execute the test class are:

  • javaApiForKml.jar. The objective of the Java API for KML is to provide Java interfaces for easy access to KML (Keyhole Markup Language) data. Java api for KML.
  • log4j.jar. Apache log4j is a Java-based logging utility. Log4j.
  • netcdfAll-4.3.jar. The NetCDF Java library implements the Common Data Model (CDM) to interface netCDF files and other types of scientific data formats. NetCDF Java.
  • commons-lang-2.5.jar. Apache Commons Lang provides these extra methods for manipulation of Java core classes. Commons Lang.
  • jaxb-impl.jar The goal of the JAXB project is to develop and evolve the code base for the Reference Implementation (RI) of JAXB, the Java Architecture for XML Binding. JAXB.
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