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Python SDK for the Socrata Data Management API. Use this library to call into publishing and ETL functionality offered when writing to Socrata datasets.

with open('cool_dataset.csv', 'rb') as file:
    (revision, output) = Socrata(auth).create(
        name = "cool dataset",
        description = "a description"

    revision.apply(output_schema = output)


This only supports python3.

Installation is available through pip. Using a virtualenv is advised. Install the package by running

pip3 install socrata-py

The only hard dependency is requests which will be installed via pip. Pandas is not required, but creating a dataset from a Pandas dataframe is supported. See below.


Try the command line example with

python -m examples.create 'Police Reports' ~/Desktop/ '' --username $SOCRATA_USERNAME --password $SOCRATA_PASSWORD



# Import some stuff
from socrata.authorization import Authorization
from socrata import Socrata
import os

# Boilerplate...
# Make an auth object
auth = Authorization(

Simple usage

Create a new Dataset from a csv, tsv, xls or xlsx file

To create a dataset, you can do this:

with open('cool_dataset.csv', 'rb') as file:
    # Upload + Transform step

    # revision is the *change* to the view in the catalog, which has not yet been applied.
    # output is the OutputSchema, which is a change to data which can be applied via the revision
    (revision, output) = Socrata(auth).create(
        name = "cool dataset",
        description = "a description"

    # Transformation step
    # We want to add some metadata to our column, drop another column, and add a new column which will
    # be filled with values from another column and then transformed
    output = output\
        .change_column_metadata('a_column', 'display_name').to('A Column!')\
        .change_column_metadata('a_column', 'description').to('Here is a description of my A Column')\
        .add_column('a_column_squared', 'A Column, but times itself', 'to_number(`a_column`) * to_number(`a_column`)', 'this is a column squared')\

    # Validation of the results step
    output = output.wait_for_finish()
    # The data has been validated now, and we can access errors that happened during validation. For example, if one of the cells in `a_column` couldn't be converted to a number in the call to `to_number`, that error would be reflected in this error_count
    assert output.attributes['error_count'] == 0

    # If you want, you can get a csv stream of all the errors
    errors = output.schema_errors_csv()
    for line in errors.iter_lines():

    # Update step

    # Apply the revision - this will make it public and available to make
    # visualizations from
    job = revision.apply(output_schema = output)

    # This opens a browser window to your revision, and you will see the progress
    # of the job

    # Application is async - this will block until all the data
    # is in place and readable

Similar to the csv method are the xls, xlsx, and tsv methods, which upload those files.

There is a blob method as well, which uploads blobby data to the source. This means the data will not be parsed, and will be displayed under "Files and Documents" in the catalog once the revision is applied.

Create a new Dataset from Pandas

Datasets can also be created from Pandas DataFrames

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('socrata-py/test/fixtures/simple.csv')
# Do various Pandas-y changes and modifications, then...
(revision, output) = Socrata(auth).create(
    name = "Pandas Dataset",
    description = "Dataset made from a Pandas Dataframe"

# Same code as above to apply the revision.

Updating a dataset

A Socrata update is actually an upsert. Rows are updated or created based on the row identifier. If the row-identifer doesn't exist, all updates are just appends to the dataset.

A replace truncates the whole dataset and then inserts the new data.

Generating a config and using it to update

# This is how we create our view initially
with open('cool_dataset.csv', 'rb') as file:
    (revision, output) = Socrata(auth).create(
        name = "cool dataset",
        description = "a description"

    revision.apply(output_schema = output)

# This will build a configuration using the same settings (file parsing and
# data transformation rules) that we used to get our output. The action
# that we will take will be "update", though it could also be "replace"
config = output.build_config("cool-dataset-config", "update")

# Now we need to save our configuration name and view id somewhere so we
# can update the view using our config
configuration_name = "cool-dataset-config"
view_id = revision.view_id()

# Now later, if we want to use that config to update our view, we just need the view and the configuration_name
socrata = Socrata(auth)
view = socrata.views.lookup(view_id) # View will be the view we are updating with the new data

with open('updated-cool-dataset.csv', 'rb') as my_file:
    (revision, job) = socrata.using_config(
    print(job) # Our update job is now running

Advanced usage

Create a revision

# This is our socrata object, using the auth variable from above
socrata = Socrata(auth)

# This will make our initial revision, on a view that doesn't yet exist
revision ={'name': 'cool dataset'})

# revision is a Revision object, we can print it
Revision({'created_by': {'display_name': 'rozap',
                'email': '',
                'user_id': 'tugg-ikce'},
 'fourfour': 'ij46-xpxe',
 'id': 346,
 'inserted_at': '2017-02-27T23:05:08.522796',
 'metadata': None,
 'update_seq': 285,
 'upsert_jobs': []})

# We can also access the attributes of the revision
'cool dataset'

Create an upload

# Using that revision, we can create an upload
upload = revision.create_upload('foo.csv')

# And print it
Source({'content_type': None,
 'created_by': {'display_name': 'rozap',
                'email': '',
                'user_id': 'tugg-ikce'},
 'source_type': {
    'filename': 'foo.csv',
    'type': 'upload'
 'finished_at': None,
 'id': 290,
 'inserted_at': '2017-02-27T23:07:18.309676',
 'schemas': []})

Upload a file

# And using that upload we just created, we can put bytes into it
with open('test/fixtures/simple.csv', 'rb') as f:
    source = upload.csv(f)

Transforming your data

Transforming data consists of going from input data (data exactly as it appeared in the source) to output data (data as you want it to appear).

Transformation from input data to output data often has problems. You might, for example, have a column full of numbers, but one row in that column is actually the value hehe! which cannot be transformed into a number. Rather than failing at each datum which is dirty or wrong, transforming your data allows you to reconcile these issues.

We might have a dataset called temps.csv that looks like

date, celsius
8-24-2017, 22
8-25-2017, 20
8-26-2017, 23
8-27-2017, hehe!
8-29-2017, 21

Suppose we uploaded it in our previous step, like this:

with open('temps.csv', 'rb') as f:
    source = upload.csv(f)
    input_schema = source.get_latest_input_schema()

Our input_schema is the input data exactly as it appeared in the CSV, with all values of type string.

Our output_schema is the output data as it was guessed by Socrata. Guessing may not always be correct, which is why we have import configs to "lock in" a schema for automation. We can get the output_schema like so:

output_schema = input_schema.get_latest_output_schema()

We can now make changes to the schema, like so

new_output_schema = output
    # Change the field_name of date to the_date
    .change_column_metadata('date', 'field_name').to('the_date')\
    # Change the description of the celsius column
    .change_column_metadata('celsius', 'description').to('the temperature in celsius')\
    # Change the display name of the celsius column
    .change_column_metadata('celsius', 'display_name').to('Degrees (Celsius)')\
    # Change the transform of the_date column to to_fixed_timestamp(`date`)
    # Make the celsius column all numbers
    # Add a new column, which is computed from the `celsius` column
    .add_column('fahrenheit', 'Degrees (Fahrenheit)', '(to_number(`celsius`) * (9 / 5)) + 32', 'the temperature in celsius')\

change_column_metadata(column_name, column_attribute) takes the field name used to identify the column and the column attribute to change (field_name, display_name, description, position)

add_column(field_name, display_name, transform_expression, description) will create a new column

We can also call drop_column(celsius) which will drop the column.

.run() will then make a request and return the new output_schema, or an error if something is invalid.

Transforms can be complex SoQL expressions. Available functions are listed here. You can do lots of stuff with them;

For example, you could change all null values into errors (which won't be imported) by doing something like

new_output_schema = output
    .change_column_transform('celsius').to('coalesce(to_number(`celsius`), error("Celsius was null!"))')

Or you could add a new column that says if the day was hot or not

new_output_schema = output
    .add_column('is_hot', 'Was the day hot?', 'to_number(`celsius`) >= 23')

Or you could geocode a column, given the following CSV

10028 Ravenna Ave NE, Seattle, 98128, WA
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC, 20500, DC
6511 32nd Ave NW, Seattle, 98155, WA

We could transform our first output_schema into a single column dataset, where that single column is a Point of the address

output = output\
    .add_column('location', 'Incident Location', 'geocode(`address`, `city`, `state`, `zip`)')\

Composing these SoQL functions into expressions will allow you to validate, shape, clean and extend your data to make it more useful to the consumer.

Wait for the transformation to finish

Transformations are async, so if you want to wait for it to finish, you can do so

Errors in a transformation

Transformations may have had errors, like in the previous example, we can't convert hehe! to a number. We can see the count of them like this:


We can view the detailed errors like this:

errors = output_schema.schema_errors()

We can get a CSV of the errors like this:

csv_stream = output_schema.schema_errors_csv()

Validating rows

We can look at the rows of our schema as well

rows = output_schema.rows(offset = 0, limit = 20)

self.assertEqual(rows, [
    {'b': {'ok': ' bfoo'}},
    {'b': {'ok': ' bfoo'}},
    {'b': {'ok': ' bfoo'}},
    {'b': {'ok': ' bfoo'}}

Do the upsert!

# Now we have transformed our data into the shape we want, let's do an upsert
job = revision.apply(output_schema = output_schema)

# This will complete the upsert behind the scenes. If we want to
# re-fetch the current state of the upsert job, we can do so
job =

# To get the progress
    {'details': {'Errors': 0, 'Rows Created': 0, 'Rows Updated': 0, 'By RowIdentifier': 0, 'By SID': 0, 'Rows Deleted': 0}, 'time': '2017-02-28T20:20:59', 'stage': 'upsert_complete'},
    {'details': {'created': 1}, 'time': '2017-02-28T20:20:59', 'stage': 'columns_created'},
    {'details': {'created': 1}, 'time': '2017-02-28T20:20:59', 'stage': 'columns_created'},
    {'details': None, 'time': '2017-02-28T20:20:59', 'stage': 'started'}

# So maybe we just want to wait here, printing the progress, until the job is done
job.wait_for_finish(progress = lambda job: print(job.attributes['log']))

# So now if we go look at our original four-four, our data will be there

Metadata only revisions

When there is an existing Socrata view that you'd like to update the metadata of, you can do so by creating a Source which is the Socrata view.

view = socrata.views.lookup('abba-cafe')

revision = view.revisions.create_replace_revision()
source = revision.source_from_dataset()
output_schema = source.get_latest_input_schema().get_latest_output_schema()
new_output_schema = output_schema\
    .change_column_metadata('a', 'description').to('meh')\
    .change_column_metadata('b', 'display_name').to('bbbb')\
    .change_column_metadata('c', 'field_name').to('ccc')\

revision.apply(output_schema = new_output_schema)



Install test deps by running pip install -r requirements.txt. This will install pdoc and pandas which are required to run the tests.

Configuration is set in test/ for tests. It reads the domain, username, and password from environment variables. If you want to run the tests, set those environment variables to something that will work.

If I wanted to run the tests against my local instance, I would run:


Generating docs

make the docs by running

make docs


You will need to have twine installed (pip3 install twine), and a .pypirc file in your home directory. For help, read this

An example of a pypirc file looks like:

index-servers =



Make sure the version in is new and makes sense for the change you're releasing. Then run:

python3 sdist
twine upload dist/<your distribution file>

Library Docs

    Args: auth

Top level publishing object.

All functions making HTTP calls return a result tuple, where the first element in the tuple is whether or not the call succeeded, and the second element is the returned object if it was a success, or a dictionary containing the error response if the call failed. 2xx responses are considered successes. 4xx and 5xx responses are considered failures. In the event of a socket hangup, an exception is raised.

Shortcut to create a dataset. Returns a Create object, which contains functions which will create a view, upload your file, and validate data quality in one step.

To actually place the validated data into a view, you can call .apply() on the revision

(revision, output_schema) Socrata(auth).create(
    name = "cool dataset",
    description = "a description"

job = revision.apply(output_schema = output_schema)


   **kwargs: Arbitrary revision metadata values


    result (Revision, OutputSchema): Returns the revision that was created and the
        OutputSchema created from your uploaded file


    name = "cool dataset",
    description = "a description"
    Args: metadata, deleted_at

Create an empty revision, on a view that doesn't exist yet. The view will be created for you, and the initial revision will be returned.


    metadata (dict): Metadata to apply to the revision




    rev = Socrata(auth).new({
        'name': 'hi',
        'description': 'foo!',
        'metadata': {
            'view': 'metadata',
            'anything': 'is allowed here'

    Args: config_name, view

Update a dataset, using the configuration that you previously created, and saved the name of. Takes the config_name parameter which uniquely identifies the config, and the View object, which can be obtained from socrata.views.lookup('view-id42')


    config_name (str): The config name
    view (View): The view to update


    result (ConfiguredJob): Returns the ConfiguredJob

Note: Typical usage would be in a context manager block (as demonstrated in the example below). In this case, the ConfiguredJob is created and immediately launched by way of the call to the ConfiguredJob.csv method.


    with open('my-file.csv', 'rb') as my_file:
        (rev, job) = p.using_config(name, view).csv(my_file)
    Args: domain, username, password, request_id_prefix
    Defaults: domain=

Manages basic authorization for accessing the socrata API. This is passed into the Socrata object once, which is the entry point for all operations.

auth = Authorization(
publishing = Socrata(auth)

Disable SSL checking. Note that this should only be used while developing against a local Socrata instance.

    Args: fourfour, auth
    Args: metadata, permission
    Defaults: metadata={}, permission=public

Create a revision on the view, which when applied, will delete rows of data.

This is an upsert; a row id must be set.


    metadata (dict): The metadata to change; these changes will be applied when the revision is applied
    permission (string): 'public' or 'private'


    Revision The new revision, or an error


    view.revisions.create_delete_revision(metadata = {
        'name': 'new dataset name',
        'description': 'description'
    Args: metadata, permission
    Defaults: metadata={}, permission=public

Create a revision on the view, which when applied, will replace the data.


    metadata (dict): The metadata to change; these changes will be applied when the revision
        is applied
    permission (string): 'public' or 'private'


    Revision The new revision, or an error


    >>> view.revisions.create_replace_revision(metadata = {'name': 'new dataset name', 'description': 'updated description'})
    Args: metadata, permission
    Defaults: metadata={}, permission=public

Create a revision on the view, which when applied, will update the data rather than replacing it.

This is an upsert; if there is a rowId defined and you have duplicate ID values, those rows will be updated. Otherwise they will be appended.


    metadata (dict): The metadata to change; these changes will be applied when the revision is applied
    permission (string): 'public' or 'private'


    Revision The new revision, or an error


    view.revisions.create_update_revision(metadata = {
        'name': 'new dataset name',
        'description': 'updated description'
    Args: config

Create a revision for the given dataset.

List all the revisions on the view


    Args: revision_seq

Lookup a revision within the view based on the sequence number


    revision_seq (int): The sequence number of the revision to lookup


    Revision The Revision resulting from this API call, or an error
    Args: auth, response, parent

A revision is a change to a dataset

    Args: output_schema

Apply the Revision to the view that it was opened on


    output_schema (OutputSchema): Optional output schema. If your revision includes
        data changes, this should be included. If it is a metadata only revision,
        then you will not have an output schema, and you do not need to pass anything




job = revision.apply(output_schema = my_output_schema)
    Args: filename, parse_options
    Defaults: filename={}

Create an upload within this revision


    filename (str): The name of the file to upload


    Source: Returns the new Source The Source created by this API call, or an error

Discard this open revision.


    Revision The closed Revision or an error

Get a list of the operations that you can perform on this object. These map directly onto what's returned from the API in the links section of each resource

Open this revision in your browser, this will open a window

Return the list of operations this revision will make when it is applied


    Args: notes

Set any notes on the revision. The notes is displayed in the dataset changelog if the dataset is enrolled in archiving. If it is not enrolled in archiving, this has no effect.


    notes (string): The change notes


    Revision The updated Revision as a result of this API call, or an error


    revision = revision.set_notes("Just updating my dataset")
    Args: output_schema_id

Set the output schema id on the revision. This is what will get applied when the revision is applied if no ouput schema is explicitly supplied


    output_schema_id (int): The output schema id


    Revision The updated Revision as a result of this API call, or an error


    revision = revision.set_output_schema(42)
    Args: filename, parse_options
    Defaults: filename={}

Create a source from a file that should remain unparsed

    Args: agent_uid, namespace, path, parse_options, parameters
    Defaults: agent_uid={}, namespace={}

Create a source from a connection agent in this revision

    Args: parse_options
    Defaults: parse_options={}

Create a dataset source within this revision

    Args: url, parse_options
    Defaults: url={}

Create a URL source


    url (str): The URL to create the dataset from


    Source: Returns the new Source The Source created by this API call, or an error

This is the URL to the landing page in the UI for this revision


    url (str): URL you can paste into a browser to view the revision UI
    Args: body

Set the metadata to be applied to the view when this revision is applied


    body (dict): The changes to make to this revision


    Revision The updated Revision as a result of this API call, or an error


    revision = revision.update({
        'metadata': {
            'name': 'new name',
            'description': 'new description'
    Args: auth
    Args: filename

Create a new source. Takes a body param, which must contain a filename of the file.


    filename (str): The name of the file you are uploading


    Source: Returns the new Source


    upload = revision.create_upload('foo.csv')
    Args: source_id

Lookup a source


    source_id (int): The id


    Source: Returns the new Source The Source resulting from this API call, or an error
    Args: auth, response, parent
    Args: revision

Associate this Source with the given revision.

    Args: file_handle

Uploads a Blob dataset. A blob is a file that will not be parsed as a data file, ie: an image, video, etc.


    Source: Returns the new Source


    with open('my-blob.jpg', 'rb') as f:
        upload = upload.blob(f)
    Args: name

Change a parse option on the source.

If there are not yet bytes uploaded, these parse options will be used in order to parse the file.

If there are already bytes uploaded, this will trigger a re-parsing of the file, and consequently a new InputSchema will be created. You can call source.latest_input() to get the newest one.

Parse options are: header_count (int): the number of rows considered a header column_header (int): the one based index of row to use to generate the header encoding (string): defaults to guessing the encoding, but it can be explicitly set column_separator (string): For CSVs, this defaults to ",", and for TSVs " ", but you can use a custom separator quote_char (string): Character used to quote values that should be escaped. Defaults to """


    name (string): One of the options above, ie: "column_separator" or "header_count"


    change (ParseOptionChange): implements a `.to(value)` function which you call to set the value

For our example, assume we have this dataset

This is my cool dataset
A, B, C
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6

We want to say that the first 2 rows are headers, and the second of those 2 rows should be used to make the column header. We would do that like so:


    source = source            .change_parse_option('header_count').to(2)            .change_parse_option('column_header').to(2)            .run()
    Args: file_handle

Upload a CSV, returns the new input schema.


    file_handle: The file handle, as returned by the python function `open()`

    max_retries (integer): Optional retry limit per chunk in the upload. Defaults to 5.
    backoff_seconds (integer): Optional amount of time to backoff upon a chunk upload failure. Defaults to 2.


    Source: Returns the new Source


    with open('my-file.csv', 'rb') as f:
        upload = upload.csv(f)
    Args: dataframe

Upload a pandas DataFrame, returns the new source.


    file_handle: The file handle, as returned by the python function `open()`

    max_retries (integer): Optional retry limit per chunk in the upload. Defaults to 5.
    backoff_seconds (integer): Optional amount of time to backoff upon a chunk upload failure. Defaults to 2.


    Source: Returns the new Source


    import pandas
    df = pandas.read_csv('test/fixtures/simple.csv')
    upload = upload.df(df)
    Args: file_handle

Upload a geojson file, returns the new input schema.


    file_handle: The file handle, as returned by the python function `open()`

    max_retries (integer): Optional retry limit per chunk in the upload. Defaults to 5.
    backoff_seconds (integer): Optional amount of time to backoff upon a chunk upload failure. Defaults to 2.


    Source: Returns the new Source


    with open('my-geojson-file.geojson', 'rb') as f:
        upload = upload.geojson(f)
    Args: file_handle

Upload a KML file, returns the new input schema.


    file_handle: The file handle, as returned by the python function `open()`

    max_retries (integer): Optional retry limit per chunk in the upload. Defaults to 5.
    backoff_seconds (integer): Optional amount of time to backoff upon a chunk upload failure. Defaults to 2.


    Source: Returns the new Source


    with open('my-kml-file.kml', 'rb') as f:
        upload = upload.kml(f)

Get a list of the operations that you can perform on this object. These map directly onto what's returned from the API in the links section of each resource

Forces the source to load, if it's a view source.


    Source: Returns the new Source

Open this source in your browser, this will open a window

    Args: file_handle

Upload a Shapefile, returns the new input schema.


    file_handle: The file handle, as returned by the python function `open()`

    max_retries (integer): Optional retry limit per chunk in the upload. Defaults to 5.
    backoff_seconds (integer): Optional amount of time to backoff upon a chunk upload failure. Defaults to 2.


    Source: Returns the new Source


    with open('', 'rb') as f:
        upload = upload.shapefile(f)
    Args: file_handle

Upload a TSV, returns the new input schema.


    file_handle: The file handle, as returned by the python function `open()`

    max_retries (integer): Optional retry limit per chunk in the upload. Defaults to 5.
    backoff_seconds (integer): Optional amount of time to backoff upon a chunk upload failure. Defaults to 2.


    Source: Returns the new Source


    with open('my-file.tsv', 'rb') as f:
        upload = upload.tsv(f)

This is the URL to the landing page in the UI for the sources


    url (str): URL you can paste into a browser to view the source UI
    Args: progress, timeout, sleeptime
    Defaults: progress=<function noop at 0x7fa34fb57040>, timeout=43200, sleeptime=1

Wait for this data source to finish transforming and validating. Accepts a progress function and a timeout.

Default timeout is 12 hours

    Args: progress, timeout, sleeptime
    Defaults: progress=<function noop at 0x7fa34fb57040>, timeout=43200, sleeptime=1

Wait for this data source to have at least one schema present. Accepts a progress function and a timeout.

Default timeout is 12 hours

    Args: file_handle

Upload an XLS, returns the new input schema


    file_handle: The file handle, as returned by the python function `open()`

    max_retries (integer): Optional retry limit per chunk in the upload. Defaults to 5.
    backoff_seconds (integer): Optional amount of time to backoff upon a chunk upload failure. Defaults to 2.


    Source: Returns the new Source


    with open('my-file.xls', 'rb') as f:
        upload = upload.xls(f)
    Args: file_handle

Upload an XLSX, returns the new input schema.


    file_handle: The file handle, as returned by the python function `open()`

    max_retries (integer): Optional retry limit per chunk in the upload. Defaults to 5.
    backoff_seconds (integer): Optional amount of time to backoff upon a chunk upload failure. Defaults to 2.


    Source: Returns the new Source


    with open('my-file.xlsx', 'rb') as f:
        upload = upload.xlsx(f)
    Args: auth
    Args: name, data_action, parse_options, columns

Create a new ImportConfig. See ImportConfig section for what is supported in data_action, parse_options, and columns.

List all the ImportConfigs on this domain

    Args: name

Obtain a single ImportConfig by name

    Args: auth, response, parent
    Args: name

Change a parse option on the source.

If there are not yet bytes uploaded, these parse options will be used in order to parse the file.

If there are already bytes uploaded, this will trigger a re-parsing of the file, and consequently a new InputSchema will be created. You can call source.latest_input() to get the newest one.

Parse options are: header_count (int): the number of rows considered a header column_header (int): the one based index of row to use to generate the header encoding (string): defaults to guessing the encoding, but it can be explicitly set column_separator (string): For CSVs, this defaults to ",", and for TSVs " ", but you can use a custom separator quote_char (string): Character used to quote values that should be escaped. Defaults to """


    name (string): One of the options above, ie: "column_separator" or "header_count"


    change (ParseOptionChange): implements a `.to(value)` function which you call to set the value

For our example, assume we have this dataset

This is my cool dataset
A, B, C
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6

We want to say that the first 2 rows are headers, and the second of those 2 rows should be used to make the column header. We would do that like so:


    source = source            .change_parse_option('header_count').to(2)            .change_parse_option('column_header').to(2)            .run()
    Args: fourfour

Create a new Revision in the context of this ImportConfig. Sources that happen in this Revision will take on the values in this Config.

Delete this ImportConfig. Note that this cannot be undone.

Get a list of the operations that you can perform on this object. These map directly onto what's returned from the API in the links section of each resource

    Args: body

Mutate this ImportConfig in place. Subsequent revisions opened against this ImportConfig will take on its new value.

    Args: auth, response, parent

This represents a schema exactly as it appeared in the source

Note that this does not make an API request

Returns: output_schema (OutputSchema): Returns the latest output schema

Get the latest (most recently created) OutputSchema which descends from this InputSchema

Returns: OutputSchema

Get a list of the operations that you can perform on this object. These map directly onto what's returned from the API in the links section of each resource

    Args: body

Transform this InputSchema into an Output. Returns the new OutputSchema. Note that this call is async - the data may still be transforming even though the OutputSchema is returned. See OutputSchema.wait_for_finish to block until the

    Args: progress, timeout, sleeptime
    Defaults: progress=<function noop at 0x7fa34fb57040>, timeout=43200, sleeptime=1

Wait for this data source to have at least one schema present. Accepts a progress function and a timeout.

Default timeout is 12 hours

This is data as transformed from an InputSchema

    Args: field_name, display_name, transform_expr, description

Add a column


    field_name (str): The column's field_name, must be unique
    display_name (str): The columns display name
    transform_expr (str): SoQL expression to evaluate and fill the column with data from
    description (str): Optional column description


    output_schema (OutputSchema): Returns self for easy chaining


new_output_schema = output
    # Add a new column, which is computed from the `celsius` column
    .add_column('fahrenheit', 'Degrees (Fahrenheit)', '(to_number(`celsius`) * (9 / 5)) + 32', 'the temperature in celsius')
    # Add a new column, which is computed from the `celsius` column
    .add_column('kelvin', 'Degrees (Kelvin)', '(to_number(`celsius`) + 273.15')

This is probably not the function you are looking for.

This returns whether or not any transform in this output schema has failed. "Failed" in this case means an internal error (which is unexpected), not a data error (which is expected). This function will wait for processing to complete if it hasn't yet.

For data errors:

Tell whether or not there are data errors
Get the count of data errors
Get the errors themselves
    output_schema.schema_errors(offset = 0, limit = 20)
    Args: name, data_action

Create a new ImportConfig from this OutputSchema. See the API docs for what an ImportConfig is and why they're useful

    Args: field_name, attribute

Change the column metadata. This returns a ColumnChange, which implements a .to function, which takes the new value to change to


    field_name (str): The column to change
    attribute (str): The attribute of the column to change


    change (TransformChange): The transform change, which implements the `.to` function


    new_output_schema = output
        # Change the field_name of date to the_date
        .change_column_metadata('date', 'field_name').to('the_date')
        # Change the description of the celsius column
        .change_column_metadata('celsius', 'description').to('the temperature in celsius')
        # Change the display name of the celsius column
        .change_column_metadata('celsius', 'display_name').to('Degrees (Celsius)')
    Args: field_name

Change the column transform. This returns a TransformChange, which implements a .to function, which takes a transform expression.


    field_name (str): The column to change


    change (TransformChange): The transform change, which implements the `.to` function


    new_output_schema = output
        # Make the celsius column all numbers
        # Add a new column, which is computed from the `celsius` column
        .add_column('fahrenheit', 'Degrees (Fahrenheit)', '(to_number(`celsius`) * (9 / 5)) + 32', 'the temperature in celsius')
    Args: field_name

Drop the column


    field_name (str): The column to drop


    output_schema (OutputSchema): Returns self for easy chaining


    new_output_schema = output

Get a list of the operations that you can perform on this object. These map directly onto what's returned from the API in the links section of each resource

    Args: offset, limit
    Defaults: offset=0, limit=500

Get the rows for this OutputSchema. Acceps offset and limit params for paging through the data.

Run all adds, drops, and column changes.




    new_output_schema = output
        # Change the field_name of date to the_date
        .change_column_metadata('date', 'field_name').to('the_date')
        # Change the description of the celsius column
        .change_column_metadata('celsius', 'description').to('the temperature in celsius')
        # Change the display name of the celsius column
        .change_column_metadata('celsius', 'display_name').to('Degrees (Celsius)')
        # Change the transform of the_date column to to_fixed_timestamp(`date`)
        # Make the celsius column all numbers
        # Add a new column, which is computed from the `celsius` column
        .add_column('fahrenheit', 'Degrees (Fahrenheit)', '(to_number(`celsius`) * (9 / 5)) + 32', 'the temperature in celsius')
    Args: offset, limit
    Defaults: offset=0, limit=500

Get the errors that resulted in transforming into this output schema. Accepts offset and limit params

Get the errors that results in transforming into this output schema as a CSV stream.

Note that this returns a Reponse, where Reponse is a python requests Reponse object

    Args: field_name

Set the row id. Note you must call validate_row_id before doing this.


    field_name (str): The column to set as the row id




new_output_schema = output.set_row_id('the_id_column')

Replace the columns used to sort the dataset. This returns a SortChange, which implements a .on function to add a sort and a .end_sort function to finish.

If you do not call this, the OutputSchema will try to preserve any existing sorts, which means it will remove sorts on deleted columns or on columns whose transforms are changed.


    change (SortChange): The sort change, which implements the `.on` and `.end_sort` functions


    new_output_schema = output
        .on('column_one', ascending = True)
        .on('column_two', ascending = False)
        .on('column_three') # ascending = True is the default
    Args: field_name

Set the row id. Note you must call validate_row_id before doing this.


    field_name (str): The column to validate as the row id


    Args: progress, timeout, sleeptime
    Defaults: progress=<function noop at 0x7fa34fb57040>, timeout=10800, sleeptime=1

Wait for this dataset to finish transforming and validating. Accepts a progress function and a timeout.

Default timeout is 3 hours

    Args: auth, response, parent

Has this job finished or failed (or been submitted for approval)

Get a list of the operations that you can perform on this object. These map directly onto what's returned from the API in the links section of each resource

Has this job entered the approval queue (rather than finishing or failing)

    Args: progress, timeout, sleeptime
    Defaults: progress=<function noop at 0x7fa34fb57040>, sleeptime=1

Wait for this dataset to finish transforming and validating. Accepts a progress function and a timeout.