psd file for making your own switch covers for @HoTsHoTz79 vertical theme
I have also made 2 directories filled with premade PNG templates
One folder is 422x256
these will be for covers you make pre resize.
If you have already converted the image to 256x256
you can use the PNG templates from the resized PNG folder on top of existing images you may have already made & converted.
Here are some examples I have made as a quick mockup.
Switch cover icon with USA age rating
Homebrew icon with russian age rating
Homebrew-appstore icon with wide/large Australian age rating
Switch cover icon with small Australian age rating
Homebrew icon with black border euro age rating
Homebrew icon with white border euro age rating
Atmosphere icon with German age rating
Switch cover icon with Japanese age rating
Homebrew switch style icon with Korean age rating
Switch cover icon with Taiwanese age rating
If you want to make your own icons a few search results can help get some assets to make your own.
• gamename "press kit"
• gamename/title .PNG into duckduckgo
>(other search engines yeild different images)
• gamename "keyart"
• developers website
• publishers website
Obviously wallpapers but try mobile wallpapers or change the image results to show "tall" in Google you have to click advanced search but duckduckgo has it at the top of an image search.
If I find a cover I still use my template as it usually helps me align images.
Other tid bits try other languages using translate. You can use to pull images direct from sites. ≥Sometimes if the image is saving as webp you can remove certain parts of a URL to get the direct image link or even inspect element or convert it.
Since beginning the icon repo I've pulled about 10gb
of assets using all the above techniques.