Trade journal for recording trading activites. It has never been easy to track your trading activites.
- Authentication calls (user and token) and setup Authorization
- Generate Fake data for testing
- Restful CRUD calls (positions, tickers)
- Compute trades metrics on the fly
- Indexing data (for instance, tickers info) to minimize API calls to backend
- Login Form UI + Error Handlings + Guest Pass
- Home Page UI to display trading positions
- Dialog to add a new trading position
- Edit, Delete existing positions UI
- Logout mechanism
- Include .env
- Revisit indexed Data for updates (for options: check expiry date before calling backend APIs)
- Show, hide closed/past positions
- Portfolio Dashboard (position analysis: understand your holdings)
- Historical Stock Price Dashboard (stock analysis: observe price volatility and identify the price patterns for your next move!)
- Historical Price table
- Export to CSV
- Price Movement Histogram
- Line Chart
- Sentimental Donut
- Added Stock Metrics
- Historical Price table
- Date confusion:
- Javascript new date must be converted to UTC as it functions differently depending on whether new date is generated from the server or from the browser.
- Add a new chart to record max streaks for positive, negative and neutral metrics. Price movement is considered to be in neutral range if it is within one bandwidth.
- Revisit the codes and look for component abstraction implementation (vue specific)
- Ready-made Components: PrimeVue
- CSS Utility: PrimeFlex
- UI Icons: primeicons
- Logo: Stock market icons created by Paul J. - Flaticon
- Visualization Brainstrom: Nuts and Bolts of Chart Types