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A sleek Next.js portfolio built with TypeScript, featuring modern UI with Tailwind CSS, stunning animations via Aceternity UI and Framer Motion, and responsive design. Explore sections like the 3D interactive globe 🌐, recent projects πŸ’», and detailed tech stack πŸ› οΈ. Check out the code and contribute on GitHub! πŸš€

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This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.


0. Project Setup

  1. in your terminal, run npx create-next-app@latest as it says in
  2. run npm run dev
  3. delete favicon.ico in the app folder
  4. clear the styles in app\globals.css
  5. set the metadata in app\layout.tsx
  6. in app\page.tsx, delete everything with the return of this page, and instead set some basic markup & Tailwind CSS classes
  7. install Tailwind CSS IntelliSense & ES7+
  8. customize your Tailwing CSS config by reffering your Figma design
  9. in tailwind.config.ts, add your first custom color by extending your actual theme
  10. go back to app\page.tsx & refer to that customized color

1. Hero Section

Build a top title, a primary title, a subtitle & the call to action button to show your work

  1. in the root of your directory, create a new folder called components
  2. within this folder, create a new file called Hero.tsx
  3. in this file, type rafce to quickly create a Home() component function (feature from ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native snippets)
  4. in app\page.tsx, output the <Hero /> component imported from components\Hero.tsx
  5. back to components\Hero.tsx, set some classes to the <div>
  6. inside that <div> create another <div> acting as a wrapper for your first components coming from Aceternity to add the spotlight effects available in your Figma design in desktop version
  7. here are examples on how to use a nice search feature to find exactly what you're looking for quickly:
    1. Aceternity:
    1. NextJS:
  8. so, back to Aceternity, look for spotlight to reach out to
    1. below "Install dependencies", copy npm i framer-motion clsx tailwind-merge
    • in your terminal, run npm i framer-motion clsx tailwind-merge
    1. below "Add util file", copy the code for utils/cn.ts
    • in the root of your project, add a new utils folder & add a new cn.ts file & in there paste the code you copied before
    1. below "Copy the source code", copy the code for components/ui/Spotlight.tsx
    • inside of the components folder, create a new ui folder, inside of which you create a new file called Spotlight.tsx & paste what you just copied
    1. below "Copy the highlighted spotlight animation into tailwind.config.js file", copy the code
    • in tailwind.config.js, paste the code you just copied to override the content
    1. press Ctrl + K & search for Add utilities, you'll see that you have to add this flattenColorPalette in tailwind.config.js by overriding the code in your tailwind.config.js
  9. since you will be continuing overriding some files, use the provided code in the open source GitHub repository
    1. tailwind.config.ts
    1. do the same thing for app\globals.css
  10. install all the dependencies required in the updated tailwind.config.ts file, so in your terminal, run:
    • npm install mini-svg-data-uri
    • npm install tailwindcss-animate
  11. use the <Spotlight /> component within components\Hero.tsx inside the previously added <div>
  12. pass some native Tailwind CSS classes to this <Spotlight> component & fill="white"
  13. duplicate this component 2 more times & change their styles
  14. right below the <div> that contains this spotlight, create another <div> that will act as a UI grid
    • for that, you'll use a component called "Grid and Dot Backgrounds" from
    • click on Code to switch over the code & copy the 2 <div>s with the <p> tag in between & paste it there
    • modify a couple of classes of this code
    • use a theme provider which is a package called next-themes available in to switch the background to dark
      • in your terminal, run npm i next-themes
      • google "next themes" & click on "Next.js - shadcn/ui" to go to & follow this setup
        1. like we did above, you have to "Install next-themes" by running npm install next-themes in your terminal
        2. Create a theme provider
        • copy the provided code
        • go to app & create a new file called provider.tsx
        • in there, paste the code you just copied
        1. Wrap your root layout
        • copy the <ThemeProvider> layout
        • go to app\layout.tsx & wrap your {children} with it & import { ThemeProvider } from ./provider
        • set the defaultTheme to "dark"
  15. go back to components\Hero.tsx
    • add a new <div> that will wrap your heading below the <div> containing your grid & give it some CSS classes
    • inside of it, add an inner <div> with some CSS classes
    • and in it, render an <h2> that would say "Dynamic Web Magic with Next.js"
    • make this <h2> text appear over the grid by setting the grid to a position of absolute & less noticable by giving a background color of dark:bg-grid-white/[0.05]
  16. below this <h2>, render your primary text & give it its animation
    • go back to Aceternity UI & search for Text Generate Effect
    • you will be redirected to
    • Copy the source code for components/ui/text-generate-effect.tsx
    • inside components\ui, add a new file called TextGenerateEffect.tsx & paste in there the code you just copied
    • go back to components\Hero.tsx & use this <TextGenerateEffect /> & pass to it 2 props className & words
  17. below this <TextGenerateEffect /> output a <p> tag to add the subtitle
  18. go back to components\ui\TextGenerateEffect.tsx, modify some of the content
    • make the motion.span CSS class dynamic to turn the "Experiences" word into purple
    • a bit down, replace mt-4 with my-4
    • remove the text-2xl CSS class to make the text in the words bigger
  19. like in the Figma design, implement the "Show my Work" button
    1. go back to Aceternity & finc Tailwind CSS buttons
    2. you'll reach
    3. in there, copy the "Border Magic" button
    4. within the ui folder, create a new component called MagicButton.tsx & create a new React component with help of the rafce shortcut
    5. paste the code you just copied in there
    6. go to components\Hero.tsx & render the <MagicButton /> component in there
    7. in components\ui\MagicButton.tsx, make the button more dynamic with help of props to render some dynamic content & updated some of the CSS classes
    8. go to components\Hero.tsx & render some props to <MagicButton>
      1. title
      2. icon
      3. position set to right
  20. add the navigation bar
    1. go to Aceternity & find "Floating Navbar"
    2. you'll be redirected to
    3. copy the source code for components/ui/floating-navbar.tsx
    4. within the ui folder, create a new component called FloatingNav.tsx
    5. paste in there the code you just copied
    6. go to app\page.tsx & output the <FloatingNav /> component & pass to it the navItems prop like it says in the docs under "Props"

2. Bento Grid

  1. in the components folder, add a new Grid.tsx component
    1. in there, use the rafce shortcut
    2. in app\page.tsx, import that <Grid /> component
  2. use another Aceternity component called "Bento Grid"
    1. got to & search for "Bento Grid"
    2. you'll get redirected to
    3. copy the source code related to components/ui/bento-grid.tsx
    4. in the ui folder, creater a new component called BentoGrid.tsx
    5. in there, paste the code you just copied
    6. in components\Grid.tsx, import the 2 <BentoGrid> & <BentoGridItem> components available in components\ui\BentoGrid.tsx
    • inside <BentoGrid>, render an array in which you add an object with a title & a description & an id field
    • map this array & return in it the <BentoGridItem> component
    • add to this <BentoGridItem> the required couple of props according to the docs under "Props"
    1. to render the grid according to your design, modify the content of the BentoGridItem component in components\ui\BentoGrid.tsx
    • modify some CSS classes
    • accept the id prop
  3. outsource the data in a different folder & component to render different grid items in a more optimized way
    1. within the root folder, create a new data folder & inside of it, create a new index.ts file
    2. in there, declare the array of grid item by cutting it from components\Grid.tsx & storing it in a gridItems constant
    3. back in components\Grid.tsx, import the gridItems constant & map it like you did before
  4. since your project will contain a lot of data, so to save you some time
    1. go to the of the original project
    2. click on Code to Copy to reach out to this page
    3. then go to data/index.ts & copy the code & paste in your data\index.ts file
    4. then, under Assets, click on here to download the public folder
    5. delete your public folder & replace it with the new downloaded one
  5. following the step 2, customize the bento grid items & make them as nice as the Figma design
    1. in components\Grid.tsx, add some more props to the <BentoGridItem>
    2. in components\ui\BentoGrid.tsx, accept those props nicely in the BentoGridItem component so that you can put them to use
    3. properly style this BentoGridItem according to those props so that the cards look nice
      1. add a new style attribute with some background color & backgroundColor gradient provided from under Linear Gradient
      2. below it, create a new <div> & inside of it add
        • an inner <div> with some CSS classes & an <img /> in it
        • another <div> for the secondary image
        • another <div> only for the sixth item to render an animation called Background Gradient Animation from Aceternity UI
          • go to & search for "Gradient Animation"
          • you'll get redirected to
          • copy the source code for components/ui/background-gradient-animation.tsx
          • in the ui folder, add a new GradientBg.tsx file & paste the code you just copied in there
          • use this <BackgroundGradientAnimation> component in this inner <div>
          • and between this component, render a self closing <div> with some CSS classes
          • in components\ui\GradientBg.tsx, properly import {cn}
        • another <div> with some CSS classes & another div with some CSS classes & inside of it some {description}
        • right below it, render your {title} with some CSS classes
      3. all of those grid items have to have some unique design, so add these special elements for each one of the cards
        1. start with this three-globe, which would be another Aceternity component, for the second card
          • go to & search for "GitHub Globe"
          • you will be redirected to
          • copy the source code for components/ui/globe.tsx
          • in the ui folder, create a new Globe.tsx file & paste in there the code you just copied
          • in your terminal, install all the required packages & files from this code
            1. add the data/globe.json file
            2. install Globe dependencies
          • go to components\ui\BentoGrid.tsx, below the <div> that wraps the description & the title
            1. use <GridGlobe> component imported from './GridGlobe' for the second grid item card
            2. check the requiered props in the docs in the "Props" section
            3. at the top of this page, click on Code to switch over the code & copy the code
            4. in the ui folder, add a new GridGlobe.tsx file which would be the representation of the Globe component within the grid
            5. in there, paste the code you just copied which contain the code for the globeConfig prop we need & import the Globe from './Globe'
            6. go to components\ui\GridGlobe.tsx, in the GridGlobe() function component to customize it as we want it by cleaning it
            7. go back to components\ui\BentoGrid.tsx, fix the styles of the container to make the globe not jump out of the card which matters a lot for all these elements of each one of the cards
        2. focus on the fourth card, the id 3, which would be the Tech Stack list
          • in components\ui\BentoGrid.tsx, below where you rendered the second card, add a <div> with some CSS classes
          • inside of it, render the Tech text in another <div> with some CSS classes
          • inside of it, create an array of left side items & map over it & give it a key & some CSS classes & render each item in a <span>
          • below this left side maping, create another <span> with some CSS classes for the empty list item with a background color
          • duplicate the <div> containing this left list & paste it below it & change some of the tech & move the <span> for the empty list item above the mapped list
        3. customize the card with the id 6, which is the one with the gradient in which the user will be able to copy your email
          • below the content for the id 3, add some dynamic content & an outer & inner <div> with some CSS classes
          • inside this inner <div>, render a lottie animation
            • by installing the react-lottie package & also installing its types by running npm i --save-dev @types/react-lottie
            • in this inner <div>, output the <Lottie /> component & give it some options prop which contains an object of
              • loop property, which is going to loop only when we copy the email, so create a copied state because you need to have access to the state of copied & set this field to copied
              • autoplay which also has a copied value
              • animationData with a value of animationData which would be another JSON object to add to your data folder
              • rendererSettings object, which you can add to it a special preserveAspectRatio with a value of 'xMidYMid slice'
          • make it a 'use client' component, because you used a useState()
          • below the Lottie animation, add a <MagicButton> to trigger the animation
            • pass some props to it & a handleClick prop which trigger a handleCopy function
            • declare the handleCopy() function
          • make the button work when clicking & set the gradient as a background
            • in components\ui\MagicButton.tsx, add a onClick prop that points at this handleClick function
            • back to components\ui\GradientBg.tsx, replace h-screen w-screen relative with h-full w-full absolute

3. Recent Projects

This section on your list will be what your portfolio is all about which is displaying the recent projects you worked on using this very engaging card that folds back and allows you to visit the live website that you're seeing on the screen This is a very cool effect, so let's go ahead and implement it now

  1. create a new section called "Recent Projects"
    1. under components, create a new RecentProjects.tsx file
    2. run racfe to create a RecentProjects component
    3. in app\page.tsx, output the <RecentProjects /> component
  2. in data\index.ts, customize the projects array to really make it your projects
  3. customize RecentProjects.tsx
    1. set a h1 heading
    2. render a list of your projects by adding import { projects } from '@/data'; & mapping the projects
    3. output another Aceternity UI component 3D Animated Pin which will pin on these project cards
      • go to & search for "3D Pin"
      • you'll get redirected to
      • under Copy the source code for components/ui/3d-pin.tsx, copy the code below
      • then in components/ui, add a new 3d-pin.tsx file & paste the code you just copied in there
      • go back to components\RecentProjects.tsx & use this <PinContainer> component
      • go to components\ui\3d-pin.tsx to customize this <PinContainer>
      • back to components\RecentProjects.tsx, customize this <PinContainer> component by
        • passing some props to it
        • adding a children inside of it for the title, the description & the bottom of the cards
  4. implement the links of the floating navbar so that the user can scroll down to the projects section
    1. go back to the original home page app\page.tsx
      • remove the array in the <FloatingNav> component
      • use the constant {navItems} coming from '@/data'
    2. go to components\ui\FloatingNav.tsx
      • remove the Login button
      • modify some CSS classes to customize the styles of the navbar
    3. in components\RecentProjects.tsx, make the Projects navbar link point to the "Projects" section by adding id="projects"

4. Sentry

With this many features completed on your developer portfolio, it's important to ensure a smooth user experience, optimized performance and just in general showcasing that you're using all the best practices of developing applications.

  • For that reason, let's use Sentry, an Enterprise level application Sentry monitoring software that allows you to fix your portfolio very quickly if it breaks.
  • And specifically in this case, let's also enable your users to share when they experience something unexpected with the site. So, for that, you'll integrate a "Report a Bug" model that will allow them to provide you direct feedback.

So, let's get started with integrating Sentry

  1. go to
  2. create a new account with your GitHub account
  3. click Install Sentry
  4. choose Next.js as your framework
  5. click Configure SDK
  6. copy the command & paste it in your terminal to install the Sentry wizard
    • copy the provided SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN
    • in your project root directory, create a new .env.local file & paste the provided token in there
  7. click Connect to my central instance or View Issues to get redirected to https://<your-project> & see the Issues
  8. in your project, a sentry-example-page folder with a page.jsx file are created
  9. you should be able to see this error in your Issues dashboard in
  10. click on this Error to analyze it
  11. you can use a lot features, like Queries, Requests, Web Vitals, and especially in this case, User Feedback
    • click User Feedback
    • click Set Up Now
    • if you haven't install the sentry wizard, copy the command & back to your terminal, paste this command
    • add the special integration called Sentry.feedbackIntegration in the sentry.client.config.js file within your code & set the colorScheme to dark
    • go back to http://localhost:3000/ & refresh the page to see the Report a Bug button

5. Testimonials

  1. under components, create a new Clients.tsx file & run rafce & add your customized content
    • <h1>
    • cards provided from Aceternity UI
      • go to & search for Infinite Moving Cards
      • you'll get redirected to
      • Copy the source code for components/ui/infinite-moving-cards.tsx
      • in components/ui, create a new InfiniteMovingCards.tsx
      • paste the code you just copied in there
      • at the top of this file, fix the path for the { cn } import
      • in components\Clients.tsx, output the <InfiniteMovingCards /> component & set to it all the required props
      • go to components\ui\InfiniteMovingCards.tsx & style those cards to your liking
      • go back to components\Clients.tsx & add a div to wrap the companies
  2. go to app\page.tsx & output <Clients />

6. Work Experience

  1. under components, create a new Experience.tsx file & in there
    • run rafce
    • add your customized content
      • <h1>
      • cards with a <Button> provided by Aceternity UI
  2. go to components\ui\MovingBorders.tsx & style the Button() component
  3. go to app\page.tsx & output <Experience />

7. My Approach Section

  1. under components, create a new Approach.tsx file
  2. go to components\Approach.tsx
    • paste the code you just copied
    • replace CanvasRevealEffectDemo() with Approach
    • update the path for the { CanvasRevealEffect } import
    • modify the data & the look & feel of these cards
      • update the AceternityIcon function & return a Magic Button from Aceternity UI
      • update the Card function
  3. go to app\page.tsx & output <Approach />

8. Footer

The next thing you can focus on is this minimalistic yet quite effective footer so let's do it next

  1. in components, create a new Footer.tsx file
  2. in app\page.tsx, output <Footer />

9. Fixing Bugs

  1. in app\page.tsx, remove overflow-hidden so that the page is not cut off when scrolling back up after clicking the nav buttons
  2. instead add overflow-clip to remove this extra horizontal scroll that appeared
  3. in components\Footer.tsx, remove the <div> containing the grid image to avoing extra space at the bottom of the page
  4. in components\ui\FloatingNav.tsx, fix the floating navbar for mobile view by removing hidden
  5. in components\Footer.tsx, add more space to the footer for mobile view & reduce some extra space for desktop view

10. Deployment

  1. in next.config.mjs, inside of nextConfig, set output to 'export' & typescript: {ignoreBuildErrors: true}
  2. remove the app/sentry-example-page & the app/api folders
  3. in your terminal, run npm run build
  4. right click the out folder & click Reveal in File Explorer & copy all the files in out & paste it in your hosted website folder
  5. go to your cPanel & go to your new URL


A sleek Next.js portfolio built with TypeScript, featuring modern UI with Tailwind CSS, stunning animations via Aceternity UI and Framer Motion, and responsive design. Explore sections like the 3D interactive globe 🌐, recent projects πŸ’», and detailed tech stack πŸ› οΈ. Check out the code and contribute on GitHub! πŸš€




