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Check out my latest GitHub repository showcasing advanced React form techniques! I've leveraged React state, two-way binding, and browser features like FormData for efficient data handling and validation. Dive into the code now! 🚀

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Working with Forms & User Input

It's Trickier Than It Might Seem

  • What's Difficult About Forms?
  • Handling Form Submission & Validating User Input
  • Using Buil-in Form Features
  • Building Custom Solutions


0. Starting Project

  1. run npm install
  2. run npm run dev
  3. create a file

1. Handling Form Submission

  1. in login.jsx, define a new handleSubmit function and bind it as a value to the onSubmit prop of the <form> element
  2. add the event.preventDefault() function to prevent the default browser behaviour when submitting the form

2. Managing & Getting User Input via State & Generic Handlers

  1. access to the value entered by the user with help of useState()
  2. set up some change listener handleInputChange function & send it as a value of the onChange props
  3. call the state updating functions inside of this handleInputChange function
  4. feed the back into the inputs by setting the value props equal to the state values
  5. console.log the state values in the handleSubmit function

3. Getting User Input via Refs

  1. copy the Login.jsx component & name it StateLogin.jsx to keep that code where we use state for tracking the user input
  2. use refs instead of state
  3. connect those refs to the input fields
  4. use this connection inside of the handleSubmit function to get the entered email & the entered password

4. Getting Values via FormData & Native Browser APIs

  1. add a Signup.jsx file to this project
  2. output the <Signup> component in App.jsx instead of the <Login> component
  3. in Signup.jsx, add a handleSubmit function & connect it to the onSubmit prop of the form element
  4. inside of the handleSubmit function, use the formData constructor function built into the browser
  5. as a result get back the form data object to get access to the data that was added to all the inputs in that form
  6. for this to work, all those inputs must have the name prop
  7. use the get() method to extract the value of a specific name
  8. or even better, use the built-in Object class & call the fromEntries static method of that class
  9. pass to it the result of the result of calling the entries method that form data object fd
  10. calling entries() on the fd object will give you kind of an array of all the input fields and their values
  11. and calling Object.fromEntries() on that array will give you an object where you have key value pairs for all your input fields
  12. get back the lost multi value input fields & manually extract them & store them with the getAll() method
  13. merge them into the data object by adding a new acquisition property to it

5. Resetting Forms

  1. if you are managing the input with state, reset those state values (see StateLogin.jsx)
  2. if you're getting the entered values with refs, reset the inputs by manually setting the value property of the connected input elements to empty strings as in Login.jsx (but not really recommended)
  3. instead if you're working with refs, it's typically better to reset the form with help of the reset() function as in Signup.jsx (imperative code again, but less code)
  4. comment out the code snippets responsible for resetting the forms

6. Validating Input on Every Keystroke via State

  1. in App.jsx, render the <Login> component imported from ./components/StateLogin.jsx to get the stateful version of that login form
  2. validate the email input on every keystroke by adding a computed value named emailIsInvalid to this StateLogin.jsx component
  3. set this emailIsInvalid constant based on the email state value which you're managing, so here we could say that emailIsInvalid should be true if the entered email does not include an @ symbol
  4. update the UI by outputting an error message if this emailIsInvalid is true
  5. make sure that emailIsInvalid is only set to true if the user did start entering a value

7. Validating Input Upon Lost Focus (Blur)

  1. in StateLogin.jsx, react to the email input field losing focus by adding the onBlur event listening Prop to it
  2. add a new handleInputBlur event handling function
  3. manage a new didEdit state, because now, we don't just wanna keep track of the value that has been entered into an input, but we also wanna keep track of whether the user touched this value or not
  4. update this state in the handleInputBlur function
  5. trigger this handleInputBlur function as a value to the onBlur prop
  6. use this new didEdit state to perform validation
    1. And we can check whether emailIsInvalid by not checking for whether it still has the initial value !== ''
    2. but by instead keeping this check !'@') and combining this check with
  7. remove this error message as soon as the user starts typing again so that he has another chance of entering a valid value until he's done typing and the input loses focus again at which point of time this validation should run again
    1. in handleInputChange, also updatedidEdit on every keystroke
    2. reset the email & password properties to false whenever the user starts typing again

8. Validating Input Upon Form Submission

  1. switch back from the StateLogin.jsx version of the Login form to the ref-based Login form in App.jsx
  2. since we wanna stick to refs, you can basically only validate the input when the user submits the form
    1. in the handleSubmit function, determine whether the email is valid, by adding the emailIsalid constant
    2. when the form is submitted, perform your check by checking if you don't have an @ symbol in that email with the includes
  3. reflect this error in your form with some emailIsInvalid state
  4. you can also add submission-based validation in StateLogin.jsx even if you are already validating the user input on every keystroke because it is always a good idea

9. Validating Input via Built-in Validation Props

  1. switch back to Signup.jsx in App.jsx
  2. add the browser built-in required prop to validate the inputs & form control elements
  3. add the browser built-in minLength prop to the password input

10. Mixing Custom & Built-in Validation Logic

  1. make sure that the value entered in the confirm-password field matches the value entered into the password field with help of a passwordsAreNotEqual state
  2. when the form is submitted before console logging the data, check if data.password is not equal to the data['confirm-password'] prop & if it is true update the passwordsAreNotEqual state
  3. output an error if the passwords are not equal with help of the passwordsAreNotEqual state

11. Building & Using a Reusable Input Component

  1. switch back to <StateLogin> in App.jsx
  2. add a new Input.jsx component file
  3. use this <Input> component in StateLogin.jsx
  4. manage validation for password
  5. set an error message for email & password if not valid

12. Outsourcing Validation Logic

  1. import isEmail, isNotEmpty & hasMinLength from validation.js in StateLogin.jsx
  2. use isEmail & isNotEmpty to validate the email
  3. use hasMinLength to validate the password

13. Creating a Custom useInput Hook

  1. add a new hooks folder & inside add a new useInput.js file
  2. build this hook
  3. use this hook in StateLogin.jsx


Check out my latest GitHub repository showcasing advanced React form techniques! I've leveraged React state, two-way binding, and browser features like FormData for efficient data handling and validation. Dive into the code now! 🚀
