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prinsight : Privacy Preserving Data Insight

About prinsight

prinsight is a C++ library, aims to provide easy-to-use APIs to build privacy preserving applications utilizing multi-client and decentralized functional encryption techniques. Also all necessary data security batteries are part of SDK. The cryptographic primitives are based on Decentralized Multi-Client Functional Encryption for Inner Product paper by Chotard et al., 2017. A big thanks to authors of CiFEr library who has provided C-implementation of aforementioned paper. prinsight SDK uses CiFEr library.

Using prinsight SDK, we can build applications where users can share their data in encrypted form along with a shared functional decryption key to a analytics server and server can learn inner-product analysis(such as weighted sum) without accessing data in clear form. The generation of shared functional decryption key can be completely peer-to-peer decentralized way or coordinated by a server.


Source Layout

  • include - Header files for prinsight SDK
  • source - prinsight SDK
  • client - an example REST client app using prinsight SDK
  • server - an example REST server app using prinsight SDK

Getting Started


The project is developed on Ubuntu 20.04 machine with usual build-essential package, CMake and C/C++11 tool chain.

Build & Run Example Application

There is sample client and server application where 2 clients send their encrypted data and functional decryption key to server and server learns the sum of their data without accessing their individual clear data.

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. In the root directory of local repository, build and install CiFEr library and its dependencies first,
    cd build-scripts
  3. In the root directory of local repository, build data owner client app,
    cmake -Hclient -Bout/build/client
    cmake --build out/build/client
  4. In the root directory of local repository, build coordinating server app,
    cmake -Hserver -Bout/build/server
    cmake --build out/build/server
  5. Open 2 shell prompts and run below commands in each shell to execute 2 client apps,
  6. Open another shell prompt and run below commands for executing server app,
  7. Now in another shell prompt, use curl to fetch result,
    curl http://localhost:9080/analysis
    If everything is fine, then above curl command returns following string,


Build and run the test cases,

cmake -Htest -Bout/build/test
cmake --build out/build/test


Work in progress.



  • TLS support
  • Android build
  • Dart FFI

Code quality and automation

  • Improve logging
  • Unit and integration test cases
  • Code analysis and fuzzing
  • Documentation
  • CI setup


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Security Warnings

As of now, this project is in very early stage and serves mainly proof-of-concepts, benchmarking and evaluation purpose and not for production use. Also implementation have not been fully-reviewed.


Distributed under the Apache License. See LICENSE for more information.


We have used this awesome ModernCPPStarter template for this project.


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