Service tests for the Southampton Provenance Suite services:
These tests check that the services are available and respond to requests directed against their REST APIs.
The tests run under Python 2.7+ and Python 3.
The tests can be run under Travis CI. This respository contains a TravisCI, .travis.yml, job configuration file.
Running the service tests under Travis CI require you to:
- Create a ProvStore API Key:
- Log in to ProvStore
- Select Account => Developer Area
- You will see your API key
- Define a Travis CI variable,
holding your ProvStore user name and API key:- Visit your job's settings page in Travis CI
- Select settings
- Click Environment Variables
- Click Add a new variable
- Name:
- Value:
- Ensure Display value in build logs is not selected
- See define variables in repository settings.
Jenkins is a popular, open source continuous integration server that runs under Java.
See Running the service tests under Jenkins which includes an example of a Jenkins job to run the tests.
The service tests can be run stand-alone. See Running the service tests standalone.
To create API documentation in apidocs/_build/html
$ pip install sphinx
$ make apidocs
Developed by The Software Sustainability Institute and the Provenance Tool Suite team at Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton.
For more information, see our document repository.
The code is released under the MIT license.