A new generation of crawler/spider, based on es6's generators/yield.
npm install zcrawler
let Crawler = require('zcrawler');
let crawler = new Crawler({
concurrency: 3
// drain event will be fired when all tasks finish
crawler.on('drain', function(e){
// empty event will be triggered when the last task is become running and no task exists in the pending queue
crawler.on('empty', function(e){
// use regex pattern to listen the event
crawler.on(/baidu\.com/, function(ctx){
console.log('baidu', ctx.url);
// queue a url
// queue a url with custom user agent
url: 'http://www.baidu.com',
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'ZCrawler'
// queue a url with callback.
crawler.queue('http://www.baidu.com?q=world', function(){
console.log('Finished crawling with callback: body length is %s', this.body.length);
// queue a url with options and callback
crawler.queue('http://www.baidu.com?q=hi', {headers: {Cookie: 'sessionid=1232;'}}, function(){
console.log('Finished crawling with options and callback. Body length is %s', this.body.length);
Use use()
to create a new midware, just like Koa. You can change the request before yield next;
, and change the response after yield next
let Crawler = require('zcrawler');
let crawler = new Crawler({
concurrency: 3
// create a midware that block duplicate urls
let sets = new Set();
crawler.use(function* uniq(next) {
if (sets.has(this.url)) {
console.log('url %s is ignored', this.url);
} else {
yield next;
// create a midware that logs the status and time
crawler.use(function* logger(next) {
let startTime = Date.now();
yield next;
let endTime = Date.now();
console.log("status: %s, elapsed: %s, url: %s", this.response.statusCode, endTime - startTime, this.url);
// create a midware that dynamically change the user agent
let i = 0;
crawler.use(function*(next) {
let agents = ['ZCrawler1', 'ZCrawler2'];
this.headers['User-Agent'] = agents[i];
i = parseInt(!!i);
yield next;
// create a midware that convert the response text to json
crawler.use(function*(next) {
yield next;
try {
this.body = JSON.parse(this.body)
} catch (e) {
crawler.on('drain', function(e){
crawler.on('empty', function(e){
crawler.on(/baidu\.com/, function(response){
console.log('baidu', response.url);
// queue a url