- Docker and
(ordocker compose
) (if you can fetch the images before the D day it's cool) - Vault client (see the hashiCorp Vault dowload page)
- Code/Text editor of your choice
- Some classic CLI tools:
cp .env.sample .env
set -a; source .env; set +a
make run
export PG_APP_DB='bess'
export PG_ADMIN_PWD='correcthorsestapplebattery'
export VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN='qt5%Fm2wk@Eg3zGUP9bH*2^%B#zuKP'
make run
Test API with root URL:
curl http://localhost:8080/
Request Credentials
curl http://localhost:8080/creds
docker-compose up
It's time to test your vault CLIent now:
via Curl:
curl http://localhost:8200/v1/sys/health
or via the vault CLI tool:
export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200/
vault status
Note: you could use the vault root token to perform administration tasks, but .... Never do that !!! It's a really bad habit. Instead of this define an administrator policy that fits the exact rights you need to administrate your vault service and use the root token in the only purpose of setting this new credentials set.
Retrieve root token form logs (only available in dev mode):
docker logs vault-dev
export root token as vault client token:
export VAULT_TOKEN=e6fcd968-8858-11ed-823b-23b05637c622
let use the admin policy defined within the ./policies/bess-admin.hcl file:
Create the policy within vault (use root token)
vault policy write bess-admin-policy ./policies/bess-admin.hcl
Generate a token with this policy :
vault token create -field token -policy=bess-admin-policy
Use this credentials for administrative tasks (such as setting secret engines)
export VAULT_TOKEN=<bess-admin-token>
docker exec -i pg-database sh -c 'psql postgresql://admin:${PG_ADMIN_PWD}@localhost:5432/bess -c "CREATE ROLE \"ro\" NOINHERIT;"'
Give that role super power !
docker exec -i pg-database sh -c 'psql postgresql://admin:${PG_ADMIN_PWD}@localhost:5432/bess -c "GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO \"ro\";"'
vault secrets enable database
vault write database/config/bess-pg \
plugin_name=postgresql-database-plugin \
connection_url="postgresql://{{username}}:{{password}}@db/bess?sslmode=disable" \
allowed_roles=readonly \
username="admin" \
tee readonly.sql <<EOF
CREATE ROLE "{{name}}" WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '{{password}}' VALID UNTIL '{{expiration}}' INHERIT;
GRANT ro TO "{{name}}";
vault write database/roles/readonly \
db_name=bess-pg \
creation_statements=@readonly.sql \
default_ttl=1h \
vault policy write bess-go-policy ./policies/bess-go.hcl
vault token create -field token -policy=bess-go-policy
Set service token
export VAULT_TOKEN=hvs.CAESIFKFrOvHMFKBd-l88_JX7RZgQXvZ0RfUkVlcxrtkB8srGh4KHGh2cy5zOERNcnM0bmhsakdzNWdlcWpPUlRNaDg
Read credentials
vault read database/creds/readonly