A Java-Greenfoot-Game-Demonstrating-Design-Patterns.
I took weekly updates from the team and made sure everyone was upfront about their tasks. I ensured that no one was left out in the team and was able to express his failures without any fear
We had a whatsapp group where we would communicate daily and update our work and decide the tasks for the next day. We would discuss the problems being faced by each other. I would communicate with each of the memmber to make sure everyone is updated with the current status.
I made sure that everyone adhered to their task by doing exactly what was needed to accomplish the goals set by the team. This helped us in developing a clean code with less conflicts.
Everyone's opionion in our team was valued and repected. We proceeded only after everyone was on the same page on a discussion. I ensured that all members respected each others inputs and idea about how we should take the project ahead.