Parse markdown into an navigable HTML document with themed code syntax highlighting (via highlight.js), navigation menu (via yaml meta information), and flexible templating and styling.
$ npm install --save-dev gulp-markdown-docs
var gulp = require('gulp');
var markdownDocs = require('gulp-markdown-docs');
gulp.task('default', function () {
return gulp.src('docs/*.md')
.pipe(markdownDocs('index.html', {
... options ...
yamlMeta: true
Required in order to construct the navigation menu. When set to true, each document given to gulp-markdown-docs should have a YAML header providing needed information about the document.
label: Nav Label
id: unique_slug
# Your Content
If you wanted a document or category to always be at the end you could set this to 10000, or beginning -10000.
All sorting is done on a last-in basis, so the last rank seen is the value used for the category
NOTE slugs/ids need to be unique between categories and documents TODO: !!
categorySort: 'alphabetical', // 'alphabetical' || 'rank'
documentSort: 'alphabetical', // 'alphabetical' || 'rank'
stylesheetUrl: ''
Relative or absolute URL pointing to an external CSS resource. If defined will be added to the document in a link tag.
layoutStylesheetUrl: __dirname + '/resources/layout.css'
gulp-markdown-docs includes a simple layout by default. false
will prevent it from including that layout
templatePath: __dirname + '/resources/index.html'
gulp-markdown-docs includes a simple HTML document by default. Passing a path to a different HTML file allows you to customize the resulting documentation page.
NOTE This module looks for <head>...</head>
to add stylesheets to, and .doc-nav
and .doc-content
to append the navigation items and documentation respectively.
highlightTheme: 'solarized_dark'
see highlight.js for available themes
markdown: {
highlight: function (code) {
return highlight.highlightAuto(code).value;
renderer: new marked.Renderer(),
gfm: true,
tables: true,
breaks: false,
pedantic: false,
sanitize: true,
smartLists: true,
smartypants: false
Defaults shown. See documentation for marked for additional details.
MIT © Christopher Meyer