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Neovim config for using with VSCode

Installation (Linux)

1. Download

bash <(curl -s

or clone this repo into your .config folder

2. Config

Point VSCode Neovim config path to init.lua.

VSCode extensions needed



Note: leader is set to Space .

Binding What it does Mode VSCode command
Show whichkey menu. N
+ Show Command Palette. N workbench.action.showCommands
+ / Comment out selected code. N/V editor.action.commentLine

- Refactor

Binding What it does Mode VSCode command
+ r Show refactor menu. N/V editor.action.refactor
+ r + r Rename symbol. N editor.action.rename
+ r + i Organize import. N editor.action.organizeImports
+ r + c Remove console log. N :g/\\vconsole[.][lgtc]/d<cr>

- HTML Emmet

Binding What it does Mode VSCode command
+ r + w Wrap <tag>/s in another tag. N/V editor.emmet.action.wrapWithAbbreviation
+ r + d Delete HTML <tag>. N editor.emmet.action.removeTag
+ r + u Update HTML <tag>. N editor.emmet.action.updateTag

- Buffer/Active Editor/Tab

Binding What it does Mode VSCode command
+ w Close active editor. N workbench.action.closeActiveEditor
+ W Close other active editor/s. N workbench.action.closeOtherEditors
+ b + t Show active eidtor in file explorer. N workbench.files.action.showActiveFileInExplorer
+ b + r Rename file. N workbench.files.action.showActiveFileInExplorer, renameFile
+ b + n New file in the same folder as active file. N workbench.explorer.fileView.focus, explorer.newFile
Ctrl + s Save file. N Ctrl + s

- Explore/list navigation

- File explorer manipulation