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This Repo demonstrates how to deploy the anchore-engine and uses kubernetes admission controller webhook to controle which images are allowed to run. you can follows this teps to deploy on you own cluster or a local k3d cluster or on OpenShift 3.11...

The example used in this repo is based on

k3d local cluster

you can use your own cluster or you can create a local kubernetes cluster using k3d + k3s.

So here is the command to create a simple cluster with only one node:

k3d create cluster anchore --switch --api-port 6553 -p 8083:80@loadbalancer

Anchore Engine installation on kubernetes:

the official documentation:

  • if you use a kubernetes version < 1.16

    • classic deployment with default helm chart values

      kubectl create namespace anchore
      helm install anchore stable/anchore-engine
    • deploy with openshift 3.11

      with openshift 3.11 you can still use the chart without generating the template before:

      oc new-project anchore
      helm install anchore -f helm_ocp_anchore_values.yaml stable/anchore-engine

      Notice the file helm_ocp_anchore_values.yaml

  • if you use a kubernetes version >= 1.16

    • In this situation you will need to generate the template helm chart because this helm chart contains old apiVersion for kubernetes deployment which has been removed since kubernetes 1.16

      see anchore/anchore-engine#351

      kubectl create namespace anchore
      helm repo add stable
      helm repo add anchore-stable
      help repo update
      helm template anchore stable/anchore-engine -n anchore > generated/anchore-engine.yaml
    • update file anchore.yaml: In the anchore-postgresql Deployment do the following:

      replace "apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1" by "apiVersion: apps/v1":

      sed -i '' 's/extensions\/v1beta1/apps\/v1/g' generated/anchore-engine.yaml
    • deploy the anchore engine:

      kubectl apply -n anchore -f generated/anchore-engine.yaml

configure the anchore cli

  • anchore-cli installation


    pip install --user --upgrade anchorecli
    export ANCHORE_CLI_URL=http://localhost:8228/v1
    export ANCHORE_CLI_USER=admin
    export ANCHORE_CLI_PASS=$(kubectl get secret --namespace anchore anchore-anchore-engine -o jsonpath="{.data.ANCHORE_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode; echo)

    instead of installing the anchor-cli with python you can use the dedicated docker image:

    docker run -e ANCHORE_CLI_URL= -e ANCHORE_CLI_USER=admin -e ANCHORE_CLI_PASS=foobar -e ANCHORE_CLI_SSL_VERIFY=n -it --rm anchore/engine-cli
  • in a separate shell forward engine api port on your local host

    kubectl --namespace anchore port-forward svc/anchore-anchore-engine-api 8228:8228

    so that you will be able to reach the anchore engine api on localhost:8228

  • Configuration with the cli

    Create a user account and 2 policies:

    • policy_testing_bundle: checks that vulnerabilities < medium and 'HEALTHCHECK' instruction exist: with a WARN action only
    • policy_production_bundle: checks that vulnerabilities < medium and 'HEALTHCHECK' instruction exist: with a STOP action
    anchore-cli account add testing
    anchore-cli account user add --account testing testuser testuserpassword
    anchore-cli --u testuser --p testuserpassword image add alpine
    anchore-cli --u testuser --p testuserpassword image add nginx 
    anchore-cli --u testuser --p testuserpassword policy add policy_testing_bundle.json
    anchore-cli --u testuser --p testuserpassword policy add policy_production_bundle.json

    wait and validate that alpine and nginx images are scanned, then evaluate the result:

    anchore-cli --u testuser --p testuserpassword image list
    anchore-cli --u testuser --p testuserpassword evaluate check nginx --policy policy_testing_bundle --detail
    anchore-cli --u testuser --p testuserpassword evaluate check nginx --policy policy_production_bundle  --detail
    anchore-cli --u testuser --p testuserpassword image content nginx
    anchore-cli --u testuser --p testuserpassword image vuln nginx all

Anchore Admission Controller:

The Anchor Admission Controller allows to create containers depending on a policy rule.

Anchore Admission Controller installation on kubernetes:

  • if you use a kubernetes version < 1.16

    • classic deployment with default helm chart values

      kubectl -n anchore create secret generic anchore-credentials --from-file=credentials.json=anchore_creds.json
      helm install controller anchore-stable/anchore-admission-controller -f helm_admission_controller.yaml -n anchore
    • deploy with openshift 3.11

      before installing the admission controller and if you use minishift you will need to activate the admissions-webhook addons:

      minishift addons enable admissions-webhook
      minishift addons apply admissions-webhook   

      For openshift you will need to authorize anyuid to execute the container for the dedicated ServiceAccount with openshift 3.11 you can still use the chart without generating the template before:

      oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid system:serviceaccount:anchore:controller-anchore-admission-controller-init-ca
      kubectl -n anchore create secret generic anchore-credentials --from-file=credentials.json=anchore_creds.json
      helm install controller anchore-stable/anchore-admission-controller -f helm_admission_controller.yaml -n anchore

      See the file helm_admission_controller

  • if you use a kubernetes version >= 1.16

    • In this situation you will need to generate the template helm chart because this helm chart contains old apiVersion for kubernetes deployment which has been removed since kubernetes 1.16

      see anchore/anchore-engine#351

      kubectl -n anchore create secret generic anchore-credentials --from-file=credentials.json=anchore_creds.json
      helm template controller anchore-stable/anchore-admission-controller -f helm_admission_controller.yaml -n anchore > generated/anchore-webhook.yaml
    • update file generated/anchore-webhook.yaml:

      In the controller-anchore-admission-controller Deployment do the following:

      • replace "apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1" by "apiVersion: apps/v1"
      • add the missing selector in the spec section
              app: anchore-admission-controller
              release: controller
      • deploy the Admission Controller:
      kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=anchore
      kubectl apply -f generated/anchore-webhook.yaml

Create the validating webhook configuration

KUBE_CA=$(kubectl config view --minify=true --flatten -o json | jq '.clusters[0].cluster."certificate-authority-data"' -r)

cat > generated/anchore-webhook-configuration.yaml <<EOF
kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
- name:
      namespace: default
      name: kubernetes
      path: /apis/
    caBundle: $KUBE_CA
  - operations:
    - CREATE
    - ""
    - "*"
    - pods
  failurePolicy: Fail
# Uncomment this and customize to exclude specific namespaces from the validation requirement
#  namespaceSelector:
#    matchExpressions:
#      - key:
#        operator: NotIn
#        values: ["true"]

kubectl -n anchore apply -f generated/anchore-webhook-configuration.yaml


kubectl create namespace testing
kubectl -n testing run -it --rm nginx --restart=Never --image nginx /bin/sh

=> should create the pod

kubectl create namespace production
kubectl -n production run -it --rm nginx --restart=Never --image nginx /bin/sh

=> should deny the pod creation with the following message:

Error from server: admission webhook "" denied the request: Image alpine with digest sha256:a15790640a6690aa1730c38cf0a440e2aa44aaca9b0e8931a9f2b0d7cc90fd65 failed policy checks for policy bundle production_bundle

Image not analysed before

Notes that if you try to run an image not analysed before then you will get this error

kubectl run curl --image curlimages/curl:7.69 --restart Never -it --rm -- sh
> Error from server: admission webhook "" denied the request: Image curlimages/curl:7.69 is not analyzed.

on kubernetes you will find the error in the event:

kubectl get events
> 0s          Warning   FailedCreate        replicaset/my-todo-deployment-9fbd74bb6   Error creating: admission webhook "" denied the request: Image sokubedocker/simple-todo:3.0 is not analyzed. Cannot evaluate policy
> 0s          Warning   FailedCreate        replicaset/my-todo-deployment-9fbd74bb6   Error creating: admission webhook "" denied the request: Image sokubedocker/simple-todo:3.0 with digest sha256:a645937ee0dab91d413c3f4464535308f15fec1572a6e3fb1208f515ebc1b4c3 failed policy checks for policy bundle production_bundle

To avoid this error because you forget to trigger the image analysing:


Using admission controller to allow image creation could be dangerous in a production kubernetes environment. As the admission controller is dynamic you can be in a situation where your pod restart (crash or redeploy) with the same image and version but new vulnerabilities are found. and then your pod won't start until you do the correction or your change the policy...


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