- Skyboxes: 4
- Blend water
- Waves imitation
- Fog
key '1': Landscape visualization with texture (default)
key '2': Landscape normals visualization with color
key '3': Landscape visualization with color
SPACE - carcass view
ESC - exit
shell script
bash run.sh # make and run
bash clean.sh # clean project
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
You can change flags to set up scene: include/landscape.h
/***** can change *****/
const float roughness = 0.3; // landscape roughness
const int map_height = 85; // max landscape height
const std::string pick_sky = "4"; // 1-4 pick skybox'a
bool isRandom = true; // generate random landscape?
bool isMedian = false; // use median filter at landscape?
const int frame = 3; // redraw waves every 'frame' (high - for high perfomance)
sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev
sudo apt-get install libglm-dev
sudo apt-get install libsoil-dev