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UniK Changelog

Tue Nov 15 2016

  • Mirage volumes support is back. thanks to @yomimono.

Tue Nov 10 2016

  • Added support for new docker for mac (removed device-mapper dependency for building images)
  • Temporary dropped supprot for mirage volumes (pending mirage/ocaml-fat#54)

Tue Nov 8 2016

  • Added support for running Go+Rumprun on Google Cloud

Fri Sep 23 2016

  • Thanks to contributions from the folks at Project Mikelangelo, Openstack is now supported as a UniK provider. Currently we're configured to support Openstack installations which are running on top of QEMU as their hypervisor. Other hypervisor support is possible, but not a priority at this time. Openstack+QEMU supports all of UniK's currently supported unikernels (except for Mirage, which currently runs exclusively on Xen).

Fri Aug 26 2016

  • Changed CLI / REST API for building images. --compiler flag was removed in favor of --base and --language flags, which combine with the existing --provider flag to look up the relevant compiler. The cli still exposes the unik compilers command in order to list all available combinations.

Thu Aug 25 2016

  • Added support for Java running on Rumprun. I will buy a 10$ Steam gift card for anyone who can get Minecraft (or Glowstone) running on it. See the updated rump documentation
  • Added optional Runtime Args to Rump compilers based on Nodejs, Python, and Java; these are for arguments passed to the interpreter/runtime for a language before the application is run; i.e. inserting the running java -jar myapp.jar is now supported

Mon Aug 22 2016

  • Configure as a public repository for uploadable UniK unikernels. Providers that use local storage (Xen, Virtualbox, QEMU) now support unik pull & unik push as command-line options allowing users to store and share unikernel images in public (or private) repositories. Source for deploying a private hub can be found here:

Tue Aug 16 2016

  • Add support for local Xen provider. Supports Rump and OSv unikernels at current time. Persistent (data) volumes are still a TODO on Xen.
  • Add support for VMware Photon API as an additional means of running unikernels on ESXi. Support is still a work-in-progress and not well-documented at this time.

Tue Aug 2 2016

  • Update version of Rump in all Rump containers. Fixes I/O panic running Gorump on AWS

Thu, Jul 28 2016

  • UniK now supports running IncludeOS Unikernels (for C++). Currently only the Virtualbox and QEMU providers can run IncludeOS unikernels.

Fri, Jun 17 2016

  • UniK's Containers are now (automatically) versioned by the first 16 characters of their SHA256 checksum.
  • Changed OSv / Java support:
    • The OSv/Java compiler in UniK will now build a unikernel from any .jar or .war file.
    • There are two options for building Java unikernels:
      • directly from a compiled fat .jar or .war file
      • using UniK to invoke the build on your Java sources (e.g. with mvn package or gradle build)
    • UniK now requires that a manifest.yaml file be present in the root directory of Java projects. See the OSv Java Compiler Documentation or the Getting Started with Java (New) for more information.

Tue, Jun 14 2016

  • Added QEMU as a provider.
    • Note that the QEMU provider does not provide bridged networking support. This means that QEMU instances will not be reachable from the host network.
    • The QEMU provider includes support for debugging unikernels with gdb. See the qemu provider docs for more information.

Tue, Jun 7 2016

This update features a merge of develop into master, which includes a large number of changes, all pushed as a single bundle of features and fixes. Future merges will be more granular.

Major Changes:

  • Added support for building Python unikernels on rumprun using Python 3.5
  • Boot Volumes are now mountable on rumprun unikernels
    • This enables UniK unikernels to serve static files (HTML, .js, etc.), as well as make scripting language-based unikernels (Javascript, Python) less memory-consumptive (as files no longer have to be loaded into memory at boot time).
    • Example fileservers available in docs/examples
  • Testing:
    • An integration test suite based on ginkgo has been added to UniK.
    • Tests are located in the pkg/client package, with helper functions and scripts in test.
    • To run tests, install go, ginkgo and gomega, and run
      bash test/scripts/
      tests currently run against Virtualbox, and Virtualbox is therefore also required to run tests. Note that the tests assume host_only networking using vboxnet1. To change the VBox network used for tests, modify the values in test/scripts/
  • Container versioning:
    • UniK's dockerized dependencies (all projectunik containers) now use version tags.
    • The purpose of this is to keep older versions of UniK stable while permitting containers hosted on Docker Hub to be updated.
    • To upgrade containers, you only need to run
    git checkout master
    git pull
    which will pull the latest versioned containers and recompile unik to utilize that version.

Minor Changes:

  • Increased timeout when waiting for instance listener UDP packet
  • Properly clean up build artifacts from unik build, unik run, unik create-volume
  • Fix formatting of CLI output
  • Do not auto-delete instances that do not reply to UDP broadcast before a specified timeout