##Communication Avoiding Numerical Dense Matrix Computations
This repository contains studies for algorithms to perform matrix multiplication and dense matrix factorizations, currently: LU, QR, and the symmetric eigensolve.
Some version of BLAS and LAPACK required for any build. LAPACK version 3.40 or higher required to build QR codes.
Build Instructions:
Running ./configure will generate a config.mk file with build parameters and a Makefile. See the configure file for build options. Profiling may be activated with flag -DPROFILE (add to DEFS in config.mk). After running configure, running 'make' will build the library and place it into lib/libCANDMC.a. Specific contents may be built individually,
- library of all routines 'CANDMC'
- library of all shared routines required for use of any individual algorithmic library component 'CANShared'
- library for matrix multiplication algorithms 'CANMM'
- library for LU factorization algorithms 'CANLU'
- library for QR factorization algorithms 'CANQR'
- library for symmetric eigensolve algorithms 'CANSE'
- all unit tests 'test', executables appear in bin/tests/
- all benchmarks 'bench', executables appear in bin/benchmarks/
Code is available under a two-clause BSD license.
Repository created and maintained by Edgar Solomonik (ETH Zurich). Please contact solomonik@inf.ethz.ch with any questions or inquiries.
Thanks to the following developers, snippets of whose code are used in a few places of this repository.
- Grey Ballard (Sandia Laboratory)
- Mathias Jacquelin (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Devin Matthews (University of Texas at Austin)