Group "Future"
Hosted server documentation link:
Hosted server link:
Group members:
Mareks Lipnickis ( )
Mostly participated in: Setting up the pipeline, integration tests of services, update
and delete endpoints with services for projection and movie classes.
Petru-Razvan Ilisei ( )
Mostly participated in: creating endpoints (genre, creating movie, getting free/booked seats)
making some services for CinemaHall, Theater
Georgi Emilov Dimitrov ( )
Created the connection to the IMDB API, created the DTO converter, added the security
with the preauthorize annotations, created some services, created all entities + repos, ect.
Bartosz Kochanski ( )
Mostly participated in: Creating integration tests for the endpoints/controllers, making most
endpoints(The one for projection, theater and category), making some services for category
and genre and projection, fixing errors.
Credentials of different user roles(if you want to test):
Username: customer , password: test
Username: admin , password: test
Username: manager , password: test