(made in javascript)
for now user-defined macros aren't a thing, but they can be defined in code using attributes. (or not? idk) :)
a very simple thing with some types (not custom ones).
don't look in
basically a bad lisp with even worse runtime, but! here is the syntax in some form;
expr ->
0 -> '(' expr* ')'
1 -> [a-zA-Z_+-=/*&$#><][a-zA-Z0-9_+-=/*&$#><]*
2 -> -?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?
3 -> '"' .* '"'
4 -> '[' expr ']'
5 -> '...' expr
Num - number
Str - string
Trh - boolean ("truth", because i want only 3 letters)
Fnc - function
Any - any type
(defun <name> (<argument-names>) <code>) ; -> defines a function
(declare <name> (<argument-types>)) ; -> declares function types (optional) (name of the decl is $<name>)
(let <type> <name> <value>) ; -> defines a variable
(= <name> <value>) ; -> sets a variable (or a function, doesn't matter)
[no_output] ; -> makes sure that the final result is not printed.
(import <module-path>) ; -> imports the module (module-path is path of the file separated with spaces and no extension)
(export <name> <value>) ; -> exports <value> with <name> (so it is visible when imported)
(exp <id>) ; -> alias to (export <id> <id>)
(eq <Any> <Any>) ; -> equality
(: <expr> <type>) ; -> returns true if types are equal
(map <key-value-pairs>) ; -> creates a map
(list <values>) ; -> creates a list
(& <exprs>) ; -> executes all of the expressions and returns the result of the last one.
(panic <msg>) ; -> pAnIcS wItH tHe mEsSaGe :O
(tostr <expr>) ; -> returns colorful string representation of the object.
(write <exprs>) ; -> writes all of the exprs to the stdout.
;; TODO: add (read)
(+ <Num> <Num>) ; -> addition
(- <Num> <Num>) ; -> substraction
(* <Num> <Num>) ; -> multiplication
(/ <Num> <Num>) ; -> division
(> <Num> <Num>) ; -> greater
(< <Num> <Num>) ; -> less
(>= <Num> <Num>) ; -> greater or equal
(<= <Num> <Num>) ; -> less or equal
(sin <Num>) ; -> javascript: Math.sin(a)
(cos <Num>) ; -> javascript: Math.cos(a)
(tan <Num>) ; -> javascript: Math.tan(a)
(acos <Num>) ; -> javascript: Math.acos(a)
(asin <Num>) ; -> javascript: Math.acosh(a)
(acosh <Num>) ; -> javascript: Math.acosn(a)
(atan <Num>) ; -> javascript: Math.atan(a)
(atanh <Num>) ; -> javascript: Math.atanh(a)
(atan2 <Num> <Num>) ; -> javascript: Math.atan2(a, b)
(cosh <Num>) ; -> javascript: Math.cosh(a)
(sinh <Num>) ; -> javascript: Math.sinh(a)
standard library contains only declarations, implementations are hard-coded. stdlib provides typechecking for std funcs.
(import stdlib core core) ; -> core (std functions)
(import stdlib math core) ; -> math stuff, +, -, >, >= and so on.
(import stdlib math trig) ; -> other math stuff, sin, cos, PI, E and so on.
do not use in your code, those are just for the stdlib.
[__stdlib_lib_only] ; -> makes sure that stdlib is not run.
;; (stdlib math trig): ;;
[__stdlib_math_trig_pi] ; -> PI constant.
[__stdlib_math_trig_e] ; -> E constant.
[__stdlib_math_trig_sqrt1_2] ; -> javascript: Math.SQRT1_2
[__stdlib_math_trig_sqrt2] ; -> javascript: Math.SQRT2
[__stdlib_math_trig_ln10] ; -> javascript: Math.LN10
[__stdlib_math_trig_ln2] ; -> javascript: Math.LN2
[__stdlib_math_trig_log2e] ; -> javascript: Math.LOG2E
[__stdlib_math_trig_log10e] ; -> javascript: Math.LOG10E
example can be found in test.lisp
normal type system