A RESTFUL API built with Ruby on Rails. It uses Auth0 to implement Authentication & Authorization.
This API is built as the back end for a web application built with React on the front end and is separately deployed to Netlify.
There are a couple of endpoints exposed by this api and can be accessed online using this path as the base Url.
- /users - (create user account)
- /appointments - (create appointment)
- /cars - (fetch all cars)
- /cars/:id - (fetch single car)
- /users/:id - (fetch user appointments)
- Ruby on Rails
- Postgresql
- Heroku
- Rspec
- Auth0
For the full working application Click here
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Clone this repository
- cd into the project directory
- run bundle install
- run rails db:migrate
- run rails db:seed
- replace ENV variables with yours in app/lib/json_web_token.rb
- Navigate to localhost:3001
- Run:
- rpsec
👤 Somoye Ayotunde
- Github:@somoye123
- Twitter:@ayotunde_197
- LinkedIn:Somoye Ayotunde
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page
- Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!