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Setup execution platform (vim emu)

Manuel Peuster edited this page Dec 19, 2019 · 31 revisions

This guide describes how to install and setup tng-bench together with a vim-emu-based execution platform. The entire setup process of the execution platform is automated using Ansible and assumes to be executed against a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 installation.

Note 1: Please read this guide carefully and follow its instructions point-by-point.


You need two machines (bare metal or VM) for the described installation. A single node installation is not supported.

Resulting setup:

+------------------------+       +----------------------------+
| +--------------------+ |       | +------------------------+ |
| |                    | |       | |                        | |
| |     tng-bench      | |       | |    tng-bench-emusrv    | |
| |(experiment control)|-+-------+-> (vim-emu w. ctrl. API) | |
| |                    | |       | |                        | |
| +--------------------+ |       | +------------------------+ |
|                        |       |                            |
|                        |       |     Machine 2: Target      |
| Machine 1 (tng-bench)  |       |(vim-emu execution platform)|
+------------------------+       +----------------------------+
  • Machine 1: This machine runs tng-sdk-benchmark and manages and controls the benchmarking experiments executed on Machine 2. To do so it needs a network connection to Machine 2 (SSH and TCP 4998:5002).

  • Machine 2: This machine acts as executor for the profiling experiments. In the shown example, vim-emu is used as execution environment. In this case, a vim-emu instance is creates by the tool tng-bench-emusrv. This tool offers a REST API to control experiment deployments on top of vim-emu.

Note 2: This installation guide describes the automated remote installation of Machine 2 using a Ansible playbook executed on Machine 1.

Requirements and Assumptions

  • Machine 1 (controller, running tng-sdk-benchmark):
    • Ubuntu 16.04 (or 18.04)
      • Update packages (sudo apt-get upgrade -y)
    • Ansible installed
    • Git installed
    • Python 3 installed
    • SSH configured for password-less login to Machine 2
  • Machine 2 (execution platform, running vim-emu):
    • Ubuntu 16:04 LTS (fresh!) (or Ubuntu 18.04 (experimental!))
      • Update packages (sudo apt-get upgrade -y)
    • Python 3 installed
    • Password-less SSH access from Machine 1

Note 3: Do not try to install Machine 2 on a machine (or VM) that was previously used for other tasks. The installation does some system reconfigurations, e.g., firewall, that will break Machine 2. Use a fresh Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 installation.

Note 4: Only install on machines in a private network/lab environment. Machine 2 will open control ports to the public without any authentication mechanisms, e.g., Docker. It will also run the emulator as root user. All this can cause security risks!


Install Machine 1

1. Clone and install tng-sdk-benchmark on Machine 1

Also see the official quick guide.

# on Machine 1 do:
git clone

Create a virtualenv to install the SONATA/5GTANGO SDK tools in:

# find out the path to your python3
which python3
# create a fresh virtualenv
virtualenv -p <path_to_python3> venv
# activate the virtualenv
source venv/bin/activate

Install other 5GTANGO tools

pip3 install tngsdk.project
pip3 install tngsdk.package

Finally install tng-sdk-benchmark

# install tng-sdk-benchmark
cd tng-sdk-benchmark/
python3 install

Test the installation:

tng-bench --help

Install Machine 2

1. Prepare Machine 2

Create the user tngbench on Machine 2 and allow sudo for the new user.


sudo adduser tngbench
sudo usermod -aG sudo tngbench

2. Configure SSH connection between Machine 1 and Machine 2

Make sure Machine 1 can connect to Machine 2 via SSH (using user tngbench). And that git and ansible are installed on Machine 1.

3. Configure Ansible on Machine 1 to point to Machine 2

Check the Ansible Documentation to learn how to properly configure target hosts in Ansible.

# on Machine 1 do:
cd tng-sdk-benchmark/node-installers
# add your target (Machine 2) to the hosts.yml
vim hosts.yml

Test your ansible configuration:

ansible vim-emu-nodes -i hosts.yml -m ping

Should give something like:

testvm | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

If this does not succeed, you MUST fix your Ansible installation before you can proceed with the rest of this guide.

4. Run Ansible installer on Machine 1 to install Machine 2

The following command will run an Ansible playbook that does a remote installation on Machine 2.

# on Machine 1 do:
ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass -i hosts.yml node-vim-emu.yml

The installation takes ~30 minutes.

5. Verify your installation on Machine 2

The Ansible script will automatically run the vim-emu server (tng-bench-emusrv) inside a screen session at the end of the installation. To verify that the installation worked and that the server was started, log into Machine 2 (using, e.g., SSH) and run the following:

# on Machine 2 connect to the running screen session:
sudo screen -r  # (the tng-bench-emusrv server is running in a screen session)

If you see something like this, everything worked correctly and Machine 2 is ready to accept run benchmarking experiments (controlled by Machine 1):

2018-11-28 15:38:39 testvm tngsdk.benchmark.pdriver.vimemu.server[10391] INFO Starting tng-bench-emusrv server ... CTRL+C to exit.

Note 5: The vim-emu server (tng-bench-emusrv) runs inside a screen session. This means it will not be started automatically if Machine 2 is rebooted. In that case you have to start the server manually.

Manually start tng-bench-emusrv

Manually start tng-bench-emusrv inside a screen session on Machine 2:

# start (on Machine 2)
sudo screen -d -m tng-bench-emusrv
# check output
sudo screen -r


The tng-sdk-benchmark controller on Machine 1 now needs to know where it can find our freshly installed execution platform (on Machine 2). To achieve this, go to the home folder cd ~/ and create a .tng-bench.conf file with the following content:

# tng-sdk-benchmark configuration file: ~/.tng-bench.conf
# list of target platform for bench. execution
  - name: default
    description: "vim-emu on machine 2"
    pdriver: vimemu  # type of target (vimemu, osm)
      host: <HOST_OR_IP_OF_MACHINE_2>  # <-- change here
      emusrv_port: 4999
      llcm_port: 5000
      docker_port: 4998

Usage and Test

Finally you can run a first benchmarking experiment which is shipped as an example together with tng-sdk-benchmark. The example looks like this:

+-----------+    +-----------------+    +-----------+
| mp.input  |--->|  Suricata IDS   |--->| mp.output |
+-----------+    +-----------------+    +-----------+

To run it, run the following command(s) on Machine 1:

Note 6: You have to activate the Python virtual environment used for the installation of Machine 1: source venv/bin/activate.

Check that tng-bench is correctly installed on Machine 1:

tng-bench -h

Ensure that a tng-workspace was created on that machine, run:

# on Machine 1 (in tng-sdk-benchmark/) do:
tng-bench -p examples/peds/ped_suricata_tp_small.yml --no-prometheus

The terminal output should look like this:

 19:59:44 benchmark[7793] INFO 5GTANGO benchmarking/profiling tool initialized
 19:59:44 benchmark[7793] INFO Loaded PED file '/Users/manuel/tango/tng-sdk-benchmark/examples/peds/ped_suricata_tp_small.yml'.
 19:59:44 experiment[7793] INFO Populated experiment specification: 'service_throughput' with 1 configurations to be executed.
 19:59:44 generator.tango[7793] INFO New 5GTANGO service configuration generator
 19:59:44 generator.tango[7793] INFO Generating 1 service experiments using /Users/manuel/tango/tng-sdk-benchmark/examples/peds/../services/ns-1vnf-ids-suricata
 19:59:45 generator.tango[7793] INFO Generating 1 projects for Experiment(service_throughput)
 19:59:45 generator.tango[7793] INFO Generated project (1/1): service_throughput_00000.tgo
5GTANGO tng-bench: Experiment generation report
Generated packages for 1 experiments with 1 configurations.
Total time: 1.6818
 19:59:45 executor[7793] INFO Initialized executor with 1 experiments and [1] configs
 19:59:45 pdriver.vimemu[7793] INFO Initialized VimEmuDriver with {'host': '', 'emusrv_port': 4999, 'llcm_port': 5000, 'docker_port': 4998}
 19:59:45 executor[7793] INFO Preparing target platforms
 19:59:45 executor[7793] INFO Executing experiments
 19:59:45 executor[7793] INFO Setting up 'ExperimentConfiguration(service_throughput_00000)'
 19:59:45 pdriver.vimemu.emuc[7793] INFO Waiting for emulator LLCM ... 0/60
 19:59:47 pdriver.vimemu.emuc[7793] INFO Waiting for emulator LLCM ... 1/60
 19:59:49 pdriver.vimemu.emuc[7793] INFO Waiting for emulator LLCM ... 2/60
 19:59:49 pdriver.vimemu.emuc[7793] INFO Emulator LLCM ready
 19:59:49 pdriver.vimemu.emuc[7793] INFO On-boarding to LLCM: /var/folders/yx/lvxqrl7j7954pkz6mmsh72br0000gn/T/tmp8uyzaiss/gen_pkgs/service_throughput_00000.tgo
 19:59:50 pdriver.vimemu.emuc[7793] INFO Instantiating NS: f709c4df-1e5d-4a2b-96f2-b3cc3426b2b6
 19:59:53 pdriver.vimemu[7793] INFO Instantiated service: 71ae0af6-8167-4ea3-8d80-28bdfb2d8000
 19:59:53 executor[7793] INFO Executing 'ExperimentConfiguration(service_throughput_00000)'
 20:00:01 pdriver.vimemu[7793] INFO Collecting experiment results ...
 20:00:01 pdriver.vimemu[7793] INFO Finalized 'ExperimentConfiguration(service_throughput_00000)'
 20:00:03 executor[7793] INFO Teardown 'ExperimentConfiguration(service_throughput_00000)'
 20:00:06 executor[7793] INFO Teardown target platforms
 20:00:06 helper[7793] INFO Downloading:
 20:00:06 7793] INFO Prepared 1 result processor(s)
 20:00:06 7793] INFO Running result processor '<tngsdk.benchmark.resultprocessor.ietfbmwg.IetfBmwgResultProcessor object at 0x104a4bf60>'
 20:00:06 resultprocessor.ietfbmwg[7793] INFO IETF BMWG BD dir not specified (--ibbd). Skipping.

Finally, a folder with results should be produces in the tng-sdk-benchmark folder:

└── service_throughput_00000
    ├── cmon.json
    │   ├── clogs.log
    │   └── tngbench_share
    │       ├── cmd_start.log
    │       └── cmd_stop.log
    │   ├── clogs.log
    │   └── tngbench_share
    │       ├── cmd_start.log
    │       └── cmd_stop.log
    └── mn.vnf0
        ├── clogs.log
        └── tngbench_share

Checking results/service_throughput_00000/ shows you the performance measured performance on the input probe:

Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 85.3 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 56872 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0- 3.0 sec  1.28 GBytes  3.65 Gbits/sec

Congratulations, you did your first fully automated profiling experiment using tng-sdk-benchmark.


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