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Example CRUD app based on Go + templ + </>htmx + PicoCSS + Ionicons


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Repository files navigation


Example of a Web CRUD app based on Go + (sqlite + gorm) + templ + </>htmx + PicoCSS + Ionicons



  • Comfortable and flexible component based templates via templ
  • CRUD functionality
  • Persistent storage via SQLite + ORM (gorm)
  • Modal windows
  • Error handling on user interface side
  • Infinite scroll (Lazy Loading)
  • User frendly interface
  • Preserve static files


Available makefile actions:

% make
Usage:  make COMMAND

  build          Compile templ files and build application
  start          Build and start application
  build-docker   Build Docker container image with this app
  run-docker     Run Docker container image with this app
  test           Run unit tests
  tidy           Removes unused dependencies and adds missing ones
  update-deps    Update go dependencies
  get-deps       Download go dependencies
  generate-web   Compile templ files via
  air            Build and start application in live reload mode via air
  format         Fix code format issues
  deadcode       Run deadcode tool for find unreachable functions
  audit          Quality checks
  check-go       Check that Go is installed
  help           Display help

Local Development Setup

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Run make start to download go dependencies, compile templ files, build application and finally start application.
% make tools
go install
% make start
go mod download
~/go/bin/templ generate
(✓) Complete [ updates=7 duration=13.893847ms ]
go run ./cmd/app
Starting web interface on port: 8089

You should now be able to access application in your web browser at http://localhost:8089