This is graphics rendering viewer, using modern OpenGL(OpenGL 3.3 Core Profile).
Camera orbit, pan, zoom
- Camera orbit: click mouse left button and drag
- Camera pan: click mouse right button and drag
- Zoom: Rotate mouse wheel
- Pressing 'v' key, perspective / orthogonal projection toggled.
For dropped obj file, load and render the object. program shows most recently dropped file.
Program runs in two modes – “single mesh rendering mode” and “animating hierarchical model rendering mode”.
- Animating hierarchical model rendering mode: press 'h' key.
For dropped bvh file, load and render the animation. program shows most recently dropped file.
This provides two rendering modes – "line rendering" and "box rendering".
- line rendering: press '1' key.
- box rendering: press '2' key.
Each obj file and bvh file may need scaling.