This cookbook installs Homebrew and provides resources for working with taps and casks
Note: The homebrew_tap
and homebrew_cask
resources shipped in Chef 14.0. When Chef 15.0 is released in April 2019 these resources will be removed from this cookbook as all users should be on 14.0 or later.
This cookbook is maintained by the Sous Chefs. The Sous Chefs are a community of Chef cookbook maintainers working together to maintain important cookbooks. If you’d like to know more please visit or come chat with us on the Chef Community Slack in #sous-chefs.
- macOS
- Chef 12.7+
- none
Resource for brew tap
, a Homebrew command used to add additional formula repositories. From the brew
man page:
brew tap [--full] user/repo [URL]
Tap a formula repository.
With URL unspecified, taps a formula repository from GitHub using HTTPS.
Since so many taps are hosted on GitHub, this command is a shortcut for
tap user/repo
With URL specified, taps a formula repository from anywhere, using
any transport protocol that git handles. The one-argument form of tap
simplifies but also limits. This two-argument command makes no
assumptions, so taps can be cloned from places other than GitHub and
using protocols other than HTTPS, e.g., SSH, GIT, HTTP, FTP(S), RSYNC.
By default, the repository is cloned as a shallow copy (--depth=1), but
if --full is passed, a full clone will be used. To convert a shallow copy
to a full copy, you can retap passing --full without first untapping.
Default action is :tap
which enables the repository. Use :untap
to disable a tapped repository.
(default) - Add a tap:untap
- Remove a tap
- Optional name property to override the resource name value:url
- Optional URL to the tap:full
- Perform a full clone rather than a shallow clone on the tap (default: false):homebrew_path
- the path to the homebrew binary (default: '/opt/homebrew/bin/brew'):owner
- the owner of the homebrew installation (default: calculated based on existing files)
homebrew_tap 'homebrew/dupes'
homebrew_tap 'homebrew/dupes' do
action :untap
homebrew_tap "Let's install homebrew/dupes" do
tap_name 'homebrew/dupes'
url ''
full true
Resource for brew cask
, a Homebrew-style CLI workflow for the administration of Mac applications distributed as binaries. It's implemented as a homebrew "external command" called cask.
(default) - install an Application:remove
- remove an Application.
- Optional name property to override the resource name value:options
- options to pass to the brew CLI during installation:install_cask
- auto install cask tap if necessary (default: true):homebrew_path
- the path to the homebrew binary (default: '/opt/homebrew/bin/brew'):owner
- the owner of the homebrew installation (default: calculated based on existing files)
homebrew_cask 'google-chrome'
homebrew_cask "Let's remove google-chrome" do
cask_name 'google-chrome'
install_cask false
action :remove
View the list of available Casks
- The user that will own the Homebrew installation and packages. Setting this will override the default behavior which is to use the non-privileged user that has invoked the Chef run (or theSUDO_USER
if invoked with sudo). The default isnil
. -
- Whether the default recipe should automatically update Homebrew each run or not. The default istrue
to maintain compatibility. Set to false or nil to disable. Note that disabling this feature may cause formula to not work. -
- An Array of formula that should be installed using Homebrew by default, used only in thehomebrew::install_formulas
To install the most recent version, include just the recipe name:
- simple_formula
To install a specific version, specify both its name and version:
- name: special-version-formula version: 1.2.3
To install the HEAD of a formula, specify both its name and
head: true
:- name: head-tracking-formula head: true
To provide other options, specify both its name and options
- name: formula-with-options options: --with-option-1 --with-other-option
- An Array of casks that should be installed using brew cask by default, used only in thehomebrew::install_casks
recipe. -
- An Array of taps that should be installed using brew tap by default, used only in thehomebrew::install_taps
recipe. For example:[ 'homebrew/science', # 'tap' is the only required key for the Hash { 'tap' => 'homebrew/dupes', 'url' => '', 'full' => true } ]
We strongly recommend that you put "recipe[homebrew]" in your node's run list, to ensure that it is available on the system and that Homebrew itself gets installed. Putting an explicit dependency in the metadata will cause the cookbook to be downloaded and the library loaded, thus resulting in changing the package provider on macOS, so if you have systems you want to use the default (Mac Ports), they would be changed to Homebrew.
The default recipe also ensures that Homebrew is installed and up to date if the auto-update attribute (above) is true (default).
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