Simulation: Video
We propose an app and a web-portal with “History, Culture and Heritage” as the main theme.
Through our app, we aim to promote the culture and heritage of India and create a portal for interaction between the local communities and the foreigners.
The implementation of this idea would enable anyone hospitable to host a foreigner at their own home and celebrate a festival together. This way cultural harmony and social equality can be achieved. Differences can be forgotten. People can celebrate together.
The main thinking behind such an idea is to fully enable a foreigner, tourist or traveller to immerse and experience the culture of their place of travel rather than being confined to an artificial environment created by some of the big hotels and resorts.
Our app is also set to be a source of employment for local people. Local people can sign up as guides and make themselves available for tourists to hire them.
The application would have 3 views - users, services and guides
│ ├───png
│ │ └───trending
│ ├───svg
│ | ├───monuments
│ | └───weather
| └───jpg
│ ├───auth
│ │ ├───Login
│ │ ├───Profile
│ │ └───SignUp
│ ├───Connect
│ │ ├───auth
│ │ │ ├───GuideLogin
│ │ │ └───GuideSignup
│ │ └───ConnectProfile
│ ├───Home
│ │ ├───Explore
│ │ └───Trending
│ ├───Landing
│ ├───layout
│ │ ├───MainLayout
│ │ ├───Navbar
│ │ └───Sidebar
│ ├───Places
│ │ ├───PlaceAbout
│ │ ├───PlaceHotels
│ │ ├───PlaceReview
│ │ ├───PlacesNav
│ │ └───Weather
│ ├───Plan
│ │ ├───PlanHeader
│ │ ├───PlanSlider
│ │ └───Slides
│ │ ├───SlideFour
│ │ ├───SlideOne
│ │ ├───SlideThree
│ │ └───SlideTwo
│ ├───Tourists
│ │ ├───auth
│ │ │ ├───TouristLogin
│ │ │ └───TouristSignup
│ │ └───EventReg
│ ├───UI
│ │ └───Globe
│ └───UpcomingEvents
│ ├───ConnectPage
│ ├───ConnectProfilePage
│ ├───FourNotFour
│ ├───HomePage
│ ├───LandingPage
│ ├───PlacePage
│ ├───PlanPage
│ └───Pro