On-Board Data Handling module of the FloripaSat Cubesat Project
The main goal of On Board Data Handling, a.k.a. OBDH, is manage all the cubesat information aimming to reach the mission goal.
- The MCU used in this module is the MSP430F6659;
- The tracking IC used is MPU9250, which contains a 9-axis sensors (3-axis each): a gyroscope, an accelerometer and a compass;
- For space-ground communications, is used the radio transceiver CC1125;
- Detailed information can be found here.
- The programming language is C;
- All software was developed in the Code Composer Studio IDE.
- Tested in compiler TI v16.9.1 LTS (CCS v7.1
- Uses FreeRTOS, a RTOS for embedded systems. FreeRTOS page;
- Detailed information can be found here.
- Download and install Code Composer Studio: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Download_CCS
- Instructions for for Linux enviroment: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Linux_Host_Support_CCSv7
- Select package: MSP430 Ultra Low Power MCUs
- After installed, open and update CCSv7: Help->Check for Updates->Select All-> Update.. / Restart
- Get the source code:
git clone https://github.com/floripasat/obdh
- Add the project compiler version: CCS->Help->Install New Software->Work with: All available sites->Disable 'Show only latest version'->Check TI Compoler Updates: MSP430 Compiler Tools 16.6.0 ->Finish/Install/Restart
- Import source project into CCSv7: File->Import->Code Composer Studio->CCS Projects; Select the source folder: obdh/firmware; Leave 'Copy projects into workspace' unchecked.
The general documentation of the project can be found in GitBook.
All source code of the project can be found in GitHub.
The official website of the project is www.floripasat.ufsc.br.