CI helper for STScI regression tests. If you ask nicely, it might also help you solve crimes.
Nightly regression test results are available only from within the STScI network at this time.
pip install ci-watson
usage: okify_regtests [-h] [--dry-run] {jwst,roman} run-number
"okifies" a set of failing regression test results, by overwriting truth files on
Artifactory so that a set of failing regression test results becomes correct. Requires
JFrog CLI ( configured with credentials (`jf login`) and write
access to the desired truth file repository (`jwst-pipeline`, `roman-pipeline`, etc.).
positional arguments:
{jwst,roman} Observatory to overwrite truth files for on Artifactory
run-number GitHub Actions job number of regression test run (see
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dry-run do nothing (passes the `--dry-run` flag to JFrog CLI)
okify_regtests jwst 956 --dry-run
okify_regtests roman 1317