v0.8.1 : bugfixes and improvements
Major New Features
SHACL documentation generator : reads sh:node and rdfs:subClassOf to split properties table in sections, à la
Other Enhancements
#175 : added option to avoid adding labels when generating shacl
#100 : support targetSubjectsOf and targetsObjectOf in doc generator
#137 : diagrams : support for sh:group to put properties inside boxes instead of arrows
#158 : Doc generation : print multiple target classes
#77 : Add JSON-LD snippet in output HTML for search engine indexing
#149 and #150 : improvements in JSON-LD @context generator
#111 : Statistics computation : make it work for remote dataset, with SPARQL
Bug fixes
#165 : don't split sh:pattern on commas
#167 : handle sh:node on NodeShapes to compute inheritance
#164 : Wrong diagram generation for shapes where node shapes are also classes
#163 : diagram : #163
#156 : statistics computation : #156
#148 : Doc generation : sh:in and sh:hasValue are not clickable. When they are external URIs, URIs should be clickable
#141 : Update to latest SHACL API and to Jena 4.10
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