This repository contains the code for the IITKCoin, a vision of a pseudo-currency for use in the IITK Campus.
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS x86-64 #
- Kernel: Linux 5.4.0-80-generic #
- go version: go1.16.6 linux/amd64 #
- text editor: VSCode #
- terminal: Zsh #
├── auth
│ └── auth.go
├── controllers
│ └── controller.go
├── database
│ └── database.go
├── db
├── transactionHistory.db
│ └── users.db
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
├── models
│ └── models.go
5 directories, 10 files
cd $GOPATH/src/<username>
git clone
cd repo
go run main.go
#, or build the program and run the executable
go build
Output should look like
2021/07/26 22:24:25 User Database opened and table created (if not existed) successfully!
2021/07/26 22:24:25 Wallet Database opened and table created (if not existed) successfully!
2021/07/26 22:24:25 Transaction Database opened and table created (if not existed) successfully!
2021/07/26 22:24:25 Starting server, Listening on http://localhost:8080
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 sparshs413/iitk-coin
POST requests take place via JSON
requests. A typical usage would look like
curl -d '<json-request>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/<endpoint>
{ "username": "<username>", "name": "<name>", "rollno": "<rollno>", "password": "<password>" }
PS: Roll Nos, only valid in range of [170001, 210000).
{ "rollno": "<rollno>", "password": "<password>" }
{ "rollno": "<rollno>" }
{ "rollno": "<rollno>", "coins": "<coins>" }
{ "senderRollno": "<senderRollno>", "receiverRollno": "<receiverRollno>", "transferCoins": "<transferCoins>" }
GET requests:
curl http://localhost:8080/secretPage