Scheduler and pipeline supervisor. Runs user requested jobs.
Each segment of the pipeline is called a module. Module consists of one self-contained analyzer or data processor that accepts input of any kind (source video, audio, preprocessed data) and outputs result or an intermediate format.
Each module needs to be placed inside a folder and include an entrypoint - a Python script and a manifest.yaml file.
Example file structure:
Modules are loaded dynamically by the job manager. Loader looks for all folders following above structure under the provided path.
name: example_module # Name of the module
description: Doing some stuff with the video # User-friendly description of the module
entrypoint: # Entry point of the module, python script placed in the same folder
# Accepted input files
- param_name: input
type: video
# Produced output files
- param_name: output
type: audio
Each module can accept multiple input files and produce multiple output files. Each input and output file is called artifact and described by a dictionary with the following fields:
- param_name: input # Name of the CLI parameter
type: video # Type of the parameter, sanity check only
Paths are pased to the module as command line arguments in the following format:
--{param_name} {path_generated_internally}
Job describes entire pipeline that needs to be run. It consists of a list of steps run sequentially. Each step consists of entries/programs ran in parallel.
name: example_job # Name of the job
version: 1.0 # Version of the job
input_artifacts: # Main input file for the job, follows module's specification
- param_name: input
type: video
- name: step1 # Name of the step
entries: # List of entries to run in parallel
- module: example_module # Name of the module to run
input_artifacts: # Input artifacts for the module
- name: video.mp4
param_name: input
type: video
output_artifacts: # Output artifacts for the module
- name: audio.wav # Name of the file
param_name: output # Name of the CLI parameter
type: audio # Type of the artifact, sanity check only
public: true # Whether the artifact should not be removed after the job is done