Print colored strings in curses windows easily
There's no way to print pre-formatted, colored terminal text into curses. If you're printing '033[94m Blue', which in regular bash terminal is a nice-blue text, in curses, it will be printed as '^[[94m Blue'
Use culour (pronounced 'cooler') to print the colored strings onto your curses window.
Instead of using:
window.addstr("colored string")
Simply use;
import culour
culour.addstr(window, "colored string")
And your string will be added to the screen nice and colored.
To print to a specific place in the screen, use:
culour.addstr(window, y, x, "colored string")
Don't forget to initialize the color usage in your curses window by calling `curses.start_color()`
immediately after `curses.initscr()`