Test the capabilities for mobile phone users and HTC Vive players to interact in the same multiplayer game session using Unity Multiplayer Server.
Create a tech demo for enabling a user in an HTC Vive headset to interact (lift, move, touch) with player avatars (essentially floating heads) representing mobile phone users. These mobile users connect to the multiplayer session through a Unity mobile app. Each mobile device uses its accelerometer to control their avatar's camera, allowing them to look around the space.
In future iterations, a GUI with controls could be added to enable mobile users to move their avatar around the space.
To run this demo, you will need an HTC Vive headset as well as iOS mobile devices. Although the Vive controllers are not required, they are the only thing capable of moving the mobile player avatars around the space. Mobile devices need to be sideloaded from the PC running the main multiplayer instance.
The PC running the HTC Vive Unity build also runs the multiplayer server. The HTC Vive player creates an instance on the server when they begin the session. Mobile devices on the same wifi network can then connect to the multiplayer session. Each device that joins the session generates a new avatar with its own camera, which is displayed on the mobile device. The mobile users are shown a down-res'd version of the game world to accomdate their weaker processors. The HTC Vive user can use their controllers to move the mobile avatars around the same, the mobile users can see an avatar representing the Vive player.