This repo is a preconfigured fork of the sample CoreOS Vagrant configuration for the Project Calico docker networking demo. The modifications are as follows:
- Enable automatic etcd cluster provisioning.
- Set CoreOS version to 'alpha'.
- Set number of nodes to default to 2.
- Preload the Calico docker images on the CoreOS hosts.
- Download the calicoctl executable to the CoreOS hosts.
- Install dependencies
- VirtualBox 4.3.10 or greater.
- Vagrant 1.6 or greater.
- Clone this project and get it running!
git clone
cd calico-coreos-vagrant-example
- Startup and SSH
There are two "providers" for Vagrant with slightly different instructions. Follow one of the following two options:
VirtualBox Provider
The VirtualBox provider is the default Vagrant provider. Use this if you are unsure.
vagrant up
vagrant ssh core-01
vagrant ssh core-02 # In separate shell.
VMware Provider
The VMware provider is a commercial addon from Hashicorp that offers better stability and speed. If you use this provider follow these instructions.
VMware Fusion:
vagrant up --provider vmware_fusion
vagrant ssh core-01
vagrant ssh core-02 # In separate shell.
VMware Workstation:
vagrant up --provider vmware_workstation
vagrant ssh core-01
vagrant ssh core-02 # In separate shell.
vagrant up
triggers vagrant to download the CoreOS image (if necessary) and (re)launch the instance
vagrant ssh <node name>
connects you to the virtual machine.
Configuration is stored in the directory so you can always return to this machine by executing vagrant ssh from the directory where the Vagrantfile was located.
- Get started using Calico networking and CoreOS
There is optional shared folder setup. You can try it out by adding a section to your Vagrantfile like this. "private_network", ip: ""
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/home/core/share", id: "core", :nfs => true, :mount_options => ['nolock,vers=3,udp']
After a 'vagrant reload' you will be prompted for your local machine password.
The Vagrantfile will provision your CoreOS VM(s) with coreos-cloudinit if a user-data
file is found in the project directory.
coreos-cloudinit simplifies the provisioning process through the use of a script or cloud-config document.
Edit user-data
and make any necessary modifications.
Check out the coreos-cloudinit documentation to learn about the available features.
The Vagrantfile will parse a config.rb
file containing a set of options used to configure your CoreOS cluster.
See config.rb
for more information.
Launching a CoreOS cluster on Vagrant is as simple as configuring $num_instances
in a config.rb
file to 3 (or more!) and running vagrant up
Make sure you provide a fresh discovery URL in your user-data
if you wish to bootstrap etcd in your cluster.
CoreOS is a rolling release distribution and versions that are out of date will automatically update.
If you want to start from the most up to date version you will need to make sure that you have the latest box file of CoreOS.
Simply remove the old box file and vagrant will download the latest one the next time you vagrant up
vagrant box remove coreos --provider vmware_fusion
vagrant box remove coreos --provider vmware_workstation
vagrant box remove coreos --provider virtualbox
By setting the $expose_docker_tcp
configuration value you can forward a local TCP port to docker on
each CoreOS machine that you launch. The first machine will be available on the port that you specify
and each additional machine will increment the port by 1.
Follow the Enable Remote API instructions to get the CoreOS VM setup to work with port forwarding.
Then you can then use the docker
command from your local shell by setting DOCKER_HOST
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:2375