Makes adding multiple loggers or custom loggers to any ruby class. Written mainly to have certain models in Rails log to a different file while maintaining the original logger (or overwriting it).
The idea came from eandrejko and his class_logger. I just added some more flexibility and made it to work outside of Rails.
gem install class_logger
ClassLogger supports a bunch of options that are passed straight to the Logger. Most of these options should make sense, but they are described in further detail in Logger's rdoc files.
- :rotate
- Set this to daily, weekly, etc. - anything Logger supports
- :max_size
- Set this to the size you want the log to rotate at (or set +rotate+ above)
- :keep
- Set this to how many logfiles you want to keep after rotating (or set +rotate+ above)
- :path
- The path to your log folder. (Default: "%{rails_root}/log") -- see Interpolations section
- :file
- This is the name of your logfile. (Use: "%{class_name}" to interpolate the class's name) (Default: "%{class_name}.log") -- see Interpolations section
- :in
- Overrides :file & :path! If you include this setting, it will break the filename from the path and use those options.
- :as
- This is the method your logger will be available to the class as. (Default: logger)
- :formatter
- This can be any custom proc or method you want to assign. (See Logger's rdoc files for more details on this)
- :level
- This is the log level
The following can be used in the path or in options.
- %{rails_root}
- Will replace itself with Rails.root when in a rails app
- %{class_name}
- Will replace itself with the name of the class.
# simple use case to override active records logger
class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
include ClassLogger
def process! "Creating transation: #{amount}" # => goes to RAILS_ROOT/log/transaction.log
# custom logs for special models within rails
# specifying a custom logfile and logger name
class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
include ClassLogger
has_logger :file => 'gateway.log', :as => :gateway_logger
def process! "Creating transation: #{amount}" # => goes to RAILS_ROOT/log/gateway.log "Hello default logger!" # => goes to default rails logger
# overriding active record's default logger with a custom logfile
class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
include ClassLogger
has_logger :file => 'gateway.log'
def process! "Creating transation: #{amount}" # => goes to RAILS_ROOT/log/gateway.log
# create a logger for a module
module Something
include ClassLogger
has_logger :in => "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/log/my_module.log"
has_logger :in => "/var/log/utoh.log", :as => :utoh_logger
end "Testing 123" # => goes to ./log/my_module.log
Something.utoh_logger.error "oops!" # => goes to /var/log/utoh.log
# inside a class with a custom formatter
class Something
include ClassLogger
has_logger :path => File.expand_path("../log", __FILE__), :rotate => :daily,
:formatter => proc{ |severity, time, program_name, message| "[%s](Something): %s\n" % [severity, message] }
def initialize
logger.debug "Created Something." # => goes to ../log/something.log
Something.loggers[:logger].debug "System logger" # alter entry point to logger