take GPS Readings from Smartphones and project them onto a XYZ 3D Cube to
- visualize path
- Data Quality
- visual Outliers detection
- High Speed Sections
Parse GPGGA sentences in raw *.NMEA log or *.GPX files, correct and enrich readings and store as CSV
This Demo displays GPS-Coordinates (here Freeriding Track) in 3D.
- Light-Levels indicate Speed (White is VMAX, Black is STOP)
- the red highlighted area is a Range of time-wise adjecent coordinates - This range can be steered by the sliders below.
- its 3D you can turn it :)
The Python Script convert_gpx_to_csv.py
converts GPX files to CSV & CSV_XYZ (using WGS84 to xyz projection)
2 Different Ways to estimate the distances are included