Time to dive into Rust!
Installation |
Running a Simple Rust Program |
Managing Projects with Cargo |
Basic Programming |
- Comments and Print Commands |
- Use of backlash |
- Positional arguments |
- Named Arguments |
- Variable and Scalar Data Types |
- Integers |
- Floating-Point Numbers |
- Booleans |
- Characters |
- Other Base |
- Operation on variable of different types |
- Shadowing and Constants |
- Strings |
- Common Operations on Strings |
- Tuples and Arrays |
- Vectors |
- Functions |
Ownership Rules, Primitive and Non-Primitive Types |
- Heap vs Stack: Memory Management in Rust |
- Ownership and References in Functions |
- Common Mistake |
- Mutable and Immutable References |
- String Concatenation and Ownership |
Control Structures |
- If-Else ladder |
- If-Let |
- Match Statement |
Loops |
- Loops with no condition |
- While loops |
- For loops |
Break and Continue |
Stack Implementation |
Structure |
- Tuple Structure |
Traits and Default Implementations |
- Functions with Traits |
Enums |
Generics |
Option Enum |
Result Enum |
Hash Maps |
Lifetimes |
Lifetimes specifier |
- Issues with Multiple Lifetimes |
- Correspondence of Lifetime with Minimal Lifetime |
- Generic Lifetime Parameters with Structures |
- Reference to the Same Variable |
Closures : Anonymous Functions |
In-Depth Understanding of Closure Capturing Environment |
- Borrowing with Immutable Reference |
- Borrowing with Mutable Reference |
- Moving a Value into a Closure |
Function Types |
Uses of Function Types |
- Function Types as Parameters to Functions |
Iterators |
Useful Functions for Iterators |
Modules: Organizing and Encapsulating Code in Rust |
Utilizing External Crates |
Fundamentals of Smart Pointers |
Use Cases of Box Pointer |