An RPM containing scripts to assist with configuring Jenkins RPM building projects
As the name implies, this functionality is dependant on you having a RedHat/CentOS host with
a running instance of Jenkins installed. This RPM lists the dependencies needed to build other
RPMs, so once installed yum install jenkins-rpm-build.rpm
your host will pick up all the needed tools.
Once this RPM has been built and installed you'd build an RPM projects as follows:
- Configure RPM source project version control (svn/git). If many RPMs are packaged into a single project consider using the File System SCM plugin to create individual RPM builds from a single project checkout
- Use the free-style software project to configure a new job to build the RPM project ensuring that the name of the Jenkins job is the same as the name of the rpm.
- In the Build section of the job configuration screen, click the Add build step drop-down and choose the Execute shell option. In this command window you'd add the /usr/local/bin/ script
See a more full featured example in the related jenkins-rpm-publish.rpm project
Download source rpm or binary (noarch) rpm for CentOS 6
Clone this project into PROJECT_DIR
git clone
Build the RPM
rpmbuild \
--define "release `date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`" \
--define "_topdir $PROJECT_DIR/jenkins-rpm-build" \
-ba SPECS/jenkins-rpm-build.spec