Hopefully a simple search application to look up details about critters (bugs and fish) in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. You can visit the production version here: https://acnh-critterpedia.herokuapp.com/
We'd love your feedback! Feel free to:
- Open a PR if you feel comfortable!
- If you don't code, or don't feel comfortable opening a pull request, open a new issue! These are how we are going to handle feature requests and bugs (not critters, but those bad code bugs)
- If there is some other way you would like to contribute, let us know.
- Clone the repo and then run:
npm install
- Once everything is installed run
npm run dev
Then navigate to localhost:8080
Webpack dev server is setup and should auto refresh changes made.
Note this repo uses Prettier to maintain code quality. It will run on a pre-push hook. If you'd like to run prettier right before pushing, it's pretty simple:
npx prettier -c --write [file-name]
is all it takes. That will run prettier on the file you give it, and write the suggested changes. I suggest committing all your code before doing this so you don't lose all your important app changes in a sea of code quality changes.