This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.7.1.
npm install -g @angular/cli
- node: v9.5.0
- Angular CLI: 1.7.1
- Create an Angular application with Material2 using material design
- Keep unit tests (using
ng test
) up to date and passing - Record each step of the process in a way that is repeatable
- Use best code and design practices
- Get valued feedback from others
Run ng serve --open
for a dev server and open http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Run ng generate component component-name
to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module
npm install
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
directory. Use the -prod
flag for a production build.
Run ng test
to execute the unit tests via Karma.
Run ng e2e
to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.
npm i -g angular-cli-ghpages
mkdir dist
# Example builid
ng build --prod --base-href ""
# Example deploy
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "first commit"
$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u origin master
nvm use v9 (I am using node version manager to select the version of node)
ng new design-app --routing --style=scss
cd design-app
ng build
npm install --save hammerjs
- create repository design-app at in your account
- git add .
- git remote add origin
- git push -u origin master
- npm install --save @angular/material @angular/cdk
- ng generate module --flat app-material
- edit src/app/app-material.module.ts - importing the controls from Material2 that you intend to use
- Edit src/app/app.module.ts - Import
import {BrowserAnimationsModule} from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import { AppMaterialModule } from './app-material.module';
- To imports and exports sections add
- Edit index.html Under the favicon link add
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
- Edit styles.scss
@import '~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/deeppurple-amber.css';
- Edit app.component.html adding a top toolbar and simple menu
<div style="text-align:center">
<mat-toolbar color="accent">
<mat-menu #appMenu="matMenu">
<button mat-menu-item>Settings</button>
<button mat-menu-item>Help</button>
<button mat-icon-button [matMenuTriggerFor]="appMenu">
<span>Design App</span>
<!-- This fills the remaining space of the current row -->
<span class="app-toolbar-filler"></span>
- Edit app.component.scss
.app-toolbar-filler {
flex: 1 1 auto;
- Edit app.component.html adding simplified content - until we add router based content
<ng-template mat-tab-label>
The <em>best</em> pasta
<h1>Best pasta restaurants</h1>
<ng-template mat-tab-label>
<mat-icon>thumb_down</mat-icon> The worst sushi
<h1>Terrible sushi restaurants</h1>
ng generate component app-search-bar --module=app
- Fix the tests - run by ng test
- Place the toolbar in its own component
- Add components for each of the menu items and link them with the router
- Remove the app.component.html simplified content to be replaced by the bullet item above