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A command-line interface to manage your Ocean CD resources.


What is Ocean CD?

Ocean CD provides DevOps and Infrastructure teams with out-of-the-box processes to reimplement and share complex and mission-critical pieces of CD across different environments, such as progressive delivery and verification of the software deployments. Service owners are able to promote service changes to production without code or re-inventing deployment strategies. Developers are able to commit with confidence, now that the deployment phases are managed and visible.

Why Ocean CD?

Ocean CD provides a central place to observe the deployment (e.g., state, progress, and resources). These visibility features allow quick identification of issues during and after the deployment process and ensure reliability at scale.

You will set up external verifications, the method Ocean CD uses to integrate your unique test outcomes as part of an orchestrated release process, and define webhook API notifications to communicate between Ocean CD and your external DevOps-related tools.

Ocean CD performs automated Rollback, a mission-critical feature not covered out of the box by Kubernetes. You will be able to define the failure policy which determines the type of rollback that will be employed

Ocean CD Documentation

To learn more about Ocean CD please go to the complete documentation.



oceancd is available via Homebrew, and as a binary from the releases page:

brew install spotinst/tap/oceancd

macOS or Linux

To build Ocean CD CLI from the source you have to:

  1. Download the suitable for your operating system release from releases page:

    For example, to download version v0.0.11 on Linux, type:

    curl -OL 
  2. Unzip the file and make it executable:

    tar -xf oceancd-linux-amd64-0.11.0.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/oceancd
  3. Add the /usr/local/bin path if the PATH variable doesn't contain it:

  4. Ensure the version you installed is up-to-date:

    oceancd version


  1. Download the suitable for your operating system release from releases page.

  2. Create the C:\oceancd\bin folder and unzip the executable file into it.

  3. Edit the PATH for your account:

    setx PATH "C:\oceancd\bin;%PATH%"
  4. Ensure the version you installed is up-to-date:

    oceancd version


To upgrade the latest CLI version please run the following command:

brew upgrade spotinst/tap/oceancd



Using oceancd requires having the Spotinst access token that might be generated by going to Spotinst Account -> My account -> API -> Generate token and cluster ID that might be found in the Name column at Spotinst Account -> Settings -> Clusters.

Quick configuring

Run oceancd configure to set up an Ocean CD profile. Then you will be prompted with four pieces of information:

  • Spotinst access token
  • profile
  • cluster ID
  • namespace

After answering the prompt the profile will be created at ~/spotinst/.oceancd.ini. The attempt to create a profile will rewrite the profile's info if the same named profile already exists.

oceancd configure command example


All the pieces might be specified by using the corresponding flags:

$ oceancd configure                          \
    --clusterId example-cluster-id           \
    --namespace example-namespace            \
    --profile custom-profile                 \
    --token 0260949e76ddb3ead1d3f7518831f594 \

The following profile will be created:

$ cat ~/spotinst/.oceancd.ini
token     = 0260949e76ddb3ead1d3f7518831f594
url       =
clusterId = example-cluster-id
namespace = example-namespace

For more information run the help command oceancd configure -h.


The currently supported shells are:

  • Bash
  • Zsh
  • fish
  • PowerShell

To enable autocompletion generate code using the oceancd complete command run and put it into the file for configuring user environments (for example: ~/.bash_profile for Mac OS, ~/.bashrc for Linux, etc).

For example, for macOS bash run the following code:

## import the bash autocompletion profile 
echo '[[ -r /usr/local/etc/profile.d/ ]] && . /usr/local/etc/profile.d/' >>~/.bash_profile
## enable oceancd autocompletion
echo 'source <(oceancd completion bash)' >>~/.bash_profile
## apply changes
. ~/.bash_profile


Using oceancd allows to manage and monitor rollouts, workloads, and Ocean CD entities (Cluster, Strategy, RolloutSpec, VerificationProvider, VerificationTemplate).

The following command describes available API resources:

oceancd api-resources

The output is similar to the following:

  NAME (5)                SHORTNAMES   NAMESPACED   KIND                  
  strategies              stg,stgs     No           Strategy              
  rolloutSpecs            rs           Yes          RolloutSpec           
  clusters                             No           Cluster               
  verificationProviders   vp,vps       No           VerificationProvider  
  verificationTemplates   vt,vts       No           VerificationTemplate


By default oceancd uses the default profile contained at ~/spotinst/.oceancd.ini. The default behavior might be changed by using the --profile flag:

oceancd get stgs --profile=prod

Ocean CD entities

To retrieve info about Ocean CD entities that are available for your Spotinst account, apply or delete them use the corresponding get, apply, and delete commands. See the following example:

oceancd apply -f ./strategy-example.json

Enter the following code into the terminal to list all the Clusters defined within the "prod" Spotinst account, in JSON format:

oceancd get cluster -o json --profile=prod

See the samples' page for the config examples.


Rollout subcommand examples

The oceancd rollout consists of multiple subcommands which can perform changes on a SpotDeployment rollout, namely:

  • stop progressing the actual and rollback the previous rollout
  • retrieve details about a rollout, especially in live mode
  • manually pause the progressing rollout
  • partly or fully promote a rollout circumvent the established conditions and verifications

To display info about current and new SpotDeployment versions, the status of the rollout, result of verifications, phase's status, etc, run the following:

oceancd rollout get ROLLOUT_ID

The following flags are supported for the oceancd rollout get subcommand:

  • --watch - watch live updates to the rollout
  • --timeout-seconds int - sets a timeout after specified seconds
  • --no-color - prevents output colorizing

For more details run oceancd rollout -h.


Using oceancd workload command gives the next possibilities:

  • restart currently running pods
  • roll back to one of the last 20 revisions

For example, rolling-back of the third revision of SpotDeployment with the demo-oceancd name might be performed by running the following code:

oceancd workload rollback demo-oceancd 3

The output is the following:

Successfully rolled back workload demo-oceancd

Operator Manager

Operator Manager subcommand examples

The oceancd operator consists of multiple subcommands to manage OceanCD Operator Manager

  • install installs OceanCD Operator Manager
  • upgrade upgrades OceanCD Operator Manager version and config map
  • delete deletes OceanCD Operator Manager

The following flags are supported for the oceancd operator install subcommand:

  • --clusterId - The cluster id name for the new OceanCD cluster
  • --config - The configuration applied to OceanCD resources and their dependencies
  • --create-namespace - Should it create OceanCD namespace. Default true

For more details run oceancd operator -h.

Global flags

Here are all the supported global flags:

--profile string   sets the used credentials profile
--token string     sets unique spot token for API authentication
--url string       sets API url

Getting Help

We use GitHub issues for tracking bugs and feature requests. Please use these community resources for getting help:

  • Join our Spot community on Slack.
  • Open an issue.



Code is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.