This project is an attempt to create a Podman-like API to control CRI-O. This will enable any client compatible with the Podman API to control CRI-O, or possibly any other CRI-compatible runtime.
Podman API client ---( Podman API )---> This project ---( CRI API )---> CRI-O
Only a selection of the API endpoints will be available.
Image endpoints are proxied to Podman. Podman and CRI-O share the same storage for images, so CRI-O can access transparently any image that Podman pulls or builds. Just make sure that CRI-O and Podman are both running as the root user. See containers-storage.conf(5).
Install dependencies:
sudo dnf install -y gcc protobuf-devel
Install Rust: see the website
cargo build
To test and demo this project, use a Podman machine.
See machine/
Environment variables:
What is the Podman API? See
Podman usually listens on:
OpenAPI source:
Endpoints to implement in this project:
GET /containers/{id}/json
DELETE /libpod/pods/{id}
GET /containers/json?all=true
GET /events
GET /_ping
GET /libpod/containers/json?all=true
GET /libpod/images/json
GET /libpod/info
GET /libpod/pods/json
GET /volumes
POST /build?dockerfile=&labels=
POST /containers/{id}/stop?abortSignal=
POST /libpod/containers/create
POST /libpod/pods/{id}/start
POST /libpod/pods/{id}/stop
POST /libpod/pods/create
What is the CRI API? See
CRI-O usually listens on:
Proto files sources:
Inspect Podman API calls:
$ podman system info | grep podman.sock
path: /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock
$ mv /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock /run/user/1000/podman/podman2.sock
$ socat -t100 -v UNIX-LISTEN:/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock,mode=777,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/run/user/1000/podman/podman2.sock 2>&1 | grep -E 'GET|PUT|POST|DELETE'
Generate Rust code from the OpenAPI spec:
podman run --rm -v $(pwd):/workspace:z openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate -i /workspace/podman-peerpods/swagger-latest.yaml -g rust-axum -o /workspace/podman-api --additional-properties=disableValidator=true,packageName=podman-api --skip-validate-spec
Patch models to fix missing type:
diff --git a/podman-api/src/ b/podman-api/src/
index 1af1dde..d58b6b2 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
use http::HeaderValue;
use validator::Validate;
+// TODO this is a workaround for cargo error[E0412]: cannot find type `integer` in this scope
+/// synonym of u32
+type integer = u32;
#[cfg(feature = "server")]
use crate::header;